Page 158 of The Men of Sea View

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Just then, Laura and Will walked in, Will holding Randi’s hand.

“There’s Laura, Steve,” Lisa said, winking.

Laura saw Steve, saw Lisa’s grin, and tried to steer Will away from the group. The last thing she needed with Will’s current mood was to have to expose more of her history to him. When they’d first gotten together, she had been honest about her past, but the lust of a new relationship often softened the truth. He might not be as generous now that he was angry at her for having gossiped about Max.

“Let’s say hi to Kassandra,” Will said, letting go of Laura’s hand.

“Do we have to?”

Will looked at her. “What’s wrong?”

“That’s the Steve from my past, Will. The obstetrician.”

“It’s okay, Laura. It looks like he’s found a new love interest, so we don’t have to worry.”

“I wasn’t worried. You’re already pissed off at me, and I just don’t want it to get worse.”

Randi ran off to greet Morgan and Madelyn.

“I’m not jealous, though, am I?” Will asked. “If I was, we’d be in trouble.”

Laura looked up at him to see if he was teasing, and thankfully, he smiled.

“I hope you don’t get caught up with the mean girls.”

“Will, give me a break. All I did was repeat something to Sandra. She’s the bigmouth who couldn’t wait to blab to Ryan.”

“We don’t need to rehash it again.”

“Are you still angry?”

“No, but I am disappointed in you.”

“Well, you know what? You’re not my father, and I don’t need your approval.”

She went to find Randi.



The weight of her baby made movement difficult for Lisa. “Honestly, my pelvic girdle is shot. I can barely climb the dune to the house. I’m okay on flat land, but climbing is out.”

“Mom, maybe it’s time to stop running,” Megan said, grimacing. She pointed. “The baby is hanging lower than she was when we left the house an hour ago.”

Lisa stopped and ran her hand over her belly. “You might be right. She might have dropped.”

“So today will be the last time we run, okay?”

“I like running with you, Megan. I never have back trouble like I did with my other pregnancies. I sleep like a log every night, and I’ve only gained ten pounds with this baby. I think it’s because of running, and I have you to thank.”

Megan grabbed her mother’s hand and pulled her to the house. “I’ll make you tea, Momma. Let’s get inside.”

Nancy was at the counter, breakfast cooked and displayed. “Happy Easter!”

“Wow, this looks delicious. Where is everyone?” Lisa asked.

“The boys are getting dressed, and Miranda is helping Daniela get the little girls dressed. I thought getting dressed on the day our Lord and Savior rose from the dead would be a nice gesture.”

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