Page 134 of The Men of Sea View

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“Hey. We have to stop meeting like this.”

“Sandra.” Kassandra giggled. “I’m here for the turkey.”

“Right! I’m so glad you offered to cook. The only time I volunteered to bring the turkey, I left the gizzard bag inside the cavity and cooked it like that. I had no idea.”

“Oh, I’m glad you said something. The gizzards are in a bag?”

The women laughed together, further cementing their bond. Kassandra decided then and there that no matter how much Sandra gossiped, she would be a friend.

“I guess you think I’m a gossip after our coffee with Ryan. I shouldn’t have told him about Max wanting to adopt Morgan, but I felt like someone had to be on Ryan’s side and tell him what was happening. Lisa has known that was the plan all along. She even pays Morgan’s child support.”

Kassandra didn’t want to take that trip again. “It was okay warning him. You can move on from that without guilt.”

“We’ll see. Anyway, how’s everything with Tony?”

“He’s coming to Thanksgiving dinner.”

“Great! So, there’s hope.”

“I wouldn’t go that far. We don’t have a future. I can’t change Tony. We’ll just have to see what happens.”

“Andy is so angry with him. I hope Tony will pull it together. I saw this Janine on television, and you’re so much better than she is.”

Kassandra looked at Sandra sidelong, taken aback. “In what way?”

“Well, you’re Kassandra! You’re poised and refined; Janine looks rode hard and put up wet. We want you, not Janine. What are you going to do if he stays with her?”

“I’ll be a single parent. It’s not something I had planned on, but I’m up to the challenge.”

“You’ll be a great mother,” Sandra said. “I’d better get moving. Have to pick Bella up from school in an hour.”

“Hey, how’s she doing?”

“Good. It’s a day-by-day thing with her.”

“Are her problems stable?”

It was Sandra’s turn to look at Kassandra sidelong. “I don’t get it.”

“Will herissuesget worse, or is she stable?”

“I think this is it,” Sandra said, glaring at Kassandra. “What else could happen to her?”

“Nothing,I hope. Okay, give her a hug for me. I’ll head over to the frozen turkeys.”

Sandra watched her, wondering if the sarcasm was her imagination or if Kassandra could really be that stupid.

When she was out of sight, Sandra called Andy, who was working from home that day.

“I need to hear your reassuring voice.”

“What’s going on?”

“I just ran into Kassandra at the Bonanza, and she said she hoped Bella’s issues were stable and wouldn’t get worse.”

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”

Sandra looked over a display of bananas to see if Kassandra was still in the vicinity. “I asked her what more could happen, and she said nothing,she hoped.”

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