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This was so weird. So strange I couldn’t quite wrap my head around any of it. I might have been sitting in the house where all the guys lived, with them surrounding me, watching the news to see the story that we just lived through unfolding in the public eye, but none of this felt real. It was like I was living in a dream that I couldn’t wake up from.

“Sarah looks great on TV, doesn’t she?” I said to everyone in the room, needing someone to talk to me to remind me that all of this shit really was happening. “I think she’s doing really well. Her media training is really shining through. They love her, they really do.”

She was spinning this story around to make herself look amazing, and advertising the movie as well. Sarah had always been great like that, but seeing it unravel in real time was impressive. Victor’s obsession with her was about to become a fabric of the story revolving aroundRevive.As if the movie didn’t have enough buzz surrounding it already, now it was going to be talked about endlessly until the film was even released. It would be a box office hit for sure.

“Yes, she’s doing really well,” Mickey agreed with me. I turned to look at him, to embrace the warmth coming from him. “I think this is going to be really good forRevive.”

I stared at him in awe, the same way I had been looking at him ever since he walked into the movie set with the broken bomb in his hand. That was crazy, and the way that he was so cool, calm, and collected was just wild. He was also responsible for the cops turning up when they did, putting Victor and Robert in jail where they belonged. He was an impressive man, and that only attracted me even more. Ireallyliked Mickey. Just as I did the rest of them.

This, right here, in the middle of the room with them all surrounding me, finally gave me that feeling Sarah was talking about. The fated mates sensation. I really did feel it now, which only confirmed everything that I’d already been suspecting. I really did need them all.

I wasn’t sure if they were going to feel the same way as me, I had no idea if they were going to go for it or if they would push me to one side, but I was eventually going to have to try them out and see. I was scared to be honest, I didn’t even know what words I would use, but I was getting there and eyeing up Mickey only reminded me that I needed to get it out there. Sooner rather than later so I could finally see what was going to happen moving forward.

“I can’t believe that we’re going to carry on filming,” Liam laughed but it was mirthless, like he was nervous about getting back on set. Yeah, same. But if I could spend some time in the headquarters with any of these men, then I was all for it. “I wonder when all the actors will be ready to get back on set…oh, and who will take over the directing? Obviously Robert can’t do that anymore, so someone else will have to take over…”

I still didn’t quitegetwhy Robert had allowed himself to be manipulated by Victor in such a crazy way. But I could only assume that the news would come out over time and eventually it would begin to make a little more sense. Although there was a chance I wouldn’t care anymore by the time that happened. I would be over and done with the whole thing and I wouldn’t be worried about why Victor and Robert tried to freaking kill us all just because Sarah was a wolf princess and Victor wanted to control her.

Urgh, I didn’t think any of that would ever make sense to me, and not just because I wasn’t a wolf myself, but because it seemed crazy to try to control someone like Sarah Billingham. She wasnevergoing to let a man tell her what to do. Especially not someone like Victor. Eww. She had sure as shit shown him. Watching her tackle him from the headquarters on the other side of the camera was insane. She was impressive! No wonder everyone loved her so much. She was a legend through and through. No doubt about it.

Sarah was going to have an amazing career from here on out, I was sure of it. I felt good about that. She wasn’t going to be the freaking fairy tale wolf princess locked away in a tower, focusing only on what her royal duties were, she was going to shine like the star she was. I was pretty sure that Victor’s behavior was only going to make her even more determined to be the absolute best version of herself. Success would really kill him, especially when he was locked away in jail, watching her from afar.

I suddenly realized that someone was watching me, I could feel eyes upon me from across the room. I glanced up to see Spike smiling warmly at me, like I was precious, like I belonged to him. I loved that, I really did, it made me feel amazing…but it was also a stark reminder that I might be about to hurt him. It was the last thing that I wanted to do, but if any of us were going to be happy, then I needed to be honest. I needed to let them know that I only felt the true depth of the fated mates love when it was all of us together.

Now I still didn’t know how it would work, and I wasn’t sure what would happen from here on out, but I wanted to try. Sarah would understand, I was sure of it, she would find another personal assistant to look after her. Someone just as good as me, and I could potentially stay here with these men, if they wanted me to.

Yep, after just a few short weeks, here I was, willing to upend my whole life. Sure I was thinking about settling down and maybe starting a family someday. That was the plan all along once we were done withRevive.But I didn’t think it was going to look likethis, and I didn’t even think that it would end up here. But life was funny like that. It took me on an adventure that I truly wasn’t expecting. I was never going to make plans again…

As the news segment came to an end, I rose to my feet and started to move slowly across the room. Spike’s eyes lit up like a damn Christmas tree as I moved closer to him. I could see that claim of me shining in his face once more. I didn’t want to crush that, but maybe that wouldn’t happen. Perhaps he would like this as much as I did…

“Spike, thank you so much for looking out for me,” I said as I wrapped my arms around his neck. It did feel a little weird doing it in front of the other guys, but that was something I needed to get used to. “I appreciate everything that you’ve done for me. No one has ever cared for me in quite this way before. It’s absolutely overwhelming.”

I leaned up onto my tiptoes and crashed my lips to his, loving the way he embraced me back hard. The love he felt for me shone through with the kiss, with the way his lips couldn’t seem to get enough of me. My heart began to race a whole lot faster, I almost lost myself completely for a moment because it was so utterly blissful. Not having to sneak around was exhilarating in a brand-new way. This was something that I was sure I could get used to.

But I had to break the kiss, mostly because the hairs on the back of my neck were standing on edge. The other guys were looking at me, I could just feel it. I span around to see Brock’s eyes practically burning through me. I couldn’t help but wonder if he remembered our kiss in the car. But that wasn’t forgotten. In fact, I really wanted to reenact it right now.

“Spike, I love you, and I know exactly what you mean about us being fated mates, I can feel it.” The air sucked out of the room, I could almost sense Brock most of all feeling the agony of this, because he had been most forward with at least showing me his feelings, if not telling me. “But I don’t think you are my only fated mate. I don’t feel just love for you.” Uh oh, this was hurting Spike. Shit, I needed to explain myself and fast. “I only feel the true sensation of being fated mates when you are all here. It isn’t something that I expected, because I don’t know much about polyamory and how reverse harems work, but I know that they are more common to you. I was hoping that you might be open to the idea of us all being together.”

Spike glanced around the room, totally shell shocked. Guilt flowed through my veins as I watched him process this. It sucked, it was hard to witness this, but if I was ever going to get my happy ever after then I needed to be honest about my feelings.

“I think we can make it work.” I moved closer to Spike. “If it’s what you want as well.”

“I…I…” He hooked his arm possessively around me, before loosening it just a little. “I see. I didn’t know that was something you needed. I didn’t know it was an option.”

I kissed him once more, before finally moving away from him and edging towards Brock. I could sense in front of his craving for me was starting to become overwhelming, just as mine was for him.

I was hoping that showing Spike how much we could make this work, that would change his mind. Brock eagerly reached out for me, like he couldn’t wait to touch me.

“Brock, the way that you look at me, it ignites me. It makes me feel special, like I’m the most beautiful woman alive.” I smiled and he matched my expression, making my heart sing with joy. “I know that me and you are bonded on a level that’s unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I need you in my life as well, I really do.”

I rose up to kiss him as well, loving the soft way in which he pressed his lips to mine. A great tremor of joy trickled down his spine as he held me to him. But Brock already knew what was happening, I could tell. His animalistic side understood it and was more than happy to embrace it. I relished the feel of him clinging to me, loving me so much that he knew what I wanted. He couldn’t stop beaming from ear to ear as he let me go.

I glanced over to Spike. Thankfully he wasn’t looking quite as stressed out as he was before. Maybe he was coming around? Who knew. That didn’t stop me from moving over to Liam. His eyes shone with the memory of us fooling around, and I could see he needed more from me. The fact that we were going to get more from one another only amplified the excitement brewing between us. My heart was absolutely thundering against my rib cage. I could feel his breath tickling my lips and it set me on fire. Flames raced all over me as I tasted him as well. Fuck, it was electric. So much electricity exploded between us…it was unreal.

He was shy, he had always been that way with me, but there was a part of him coming out of his shell, I could feel it, and I loved it. Liam was wild when he let his animal side out, and I couldn’t wait to see what he really had tucked away underneath. I kissed him for a very long time actually, because I just couldn’t get enough of the taste of his tongue, of his mouth, of all of him. Memories of the last time we kissed were there, but more than that, new feelings were forming as well. Much to my relief, it seemed like Liam really understood it as well. He was okay with the reverse harem, even if it was not something that he was used to, just like it wasn’t for any of us. But Liam was the quietest out of the group, and this might take some time for him to adjust to. But he was willing to try, he wanted to give us a go.

I loved how I could just read his mind without him having to speak. That was really special to me. The unspoken communication really was everything.

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