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Victor opened his mouth, but he seemed to think better of it at the last moment. He clamped his lips together and simply stared at Sarah like she didn’t know what she was talking about.

“No, don’t do that,” she warned him, putting a finger up in his face. “Don’t look at me like I should just spend time with you to find out. Just because I’m a woman doesn’t mean I don’t know my own feelings. I willknowwhen my fated mate crosses my path, I will instinctively feel it and I will make sure that person knows how I feel about them. It isn’t you.” She shook her head hard. “No, Victor, it isn’t you. It will never be you. I amnotgoing to marry you. I’m not going to be somegood girlwife for you. I’m a Hollywood star. You are nobody.”

That was potentially too much for Victor. The redness in his face actually faded away. The color drained from his cheeks leaving him pale. His shoulders rolled up by his ears and he started to tremor. He was about to shift. We were all aware of it, but none of us managed to react as quickly as Sarah. She was in wolf form before me and Spike could even gather ourselves up. Spike shifted too, but I actually had to step back for a moment.

I couldn’t shift because of this stupid detonator. God damn it. I didn’t even want to risk putting it down in case Victor got at it. Or Robert. He wasn’t even in the room anymore. He’d scurried off, he was probably hiding somewhere like he had nothing to do with this. Asshole. He would get his comeuppance, just like Victor.

Sarah leaped at Victor first and she attacked him. She was freaking fearless, it was insane to watch her. She wasn’t going to let this pack alpha destroy her. Spike assisted too, and soon they both had him pinned down so he couldn’t go anywhere. Or so we thought. I allowed myself to relax a little bit, thinking that at least this would be all over soon. We could get the cops here at any given moment, and get this idiot thrown in jail. Then this movie could get finished and everyone would be happy. My God,Reviveneeded to be completed. This was all way too much trouble. More trouble than I was sure it was worth.

But Victor wasn’t done yet. He kept struggling and fighting, lashing out as much as he could. He wasn’t as strong as Spike, I’d never met a wolf who was, but he had this obsession which led him to have a sheer determination that was unlike anything else. He’d obviously been mentally planning out his life for a very long time with the woman that didn’t want him. He slipped out from underneath Sarah and eventually shimmied out of Spike as well, which made my heart sink.

I hoped that someone had thought to call the cops, but who the hell knew at this point. If Victor was this determined then were we even going to be able to keep him in one place until law enforcement turned up? If he ran, how far would he be willing to go? I wasn’t even sure that he had his pack anymore. If he was a loner, he could go anywhere.

I was so worried about that. I wasn’t as switched on as I should have been. Everything was happening so fast, they were all shifting back into their human form and covering themselves in the blink of an eye. Victor flew at me and knocked the bomb detonator out of my hand. Fucking hell, the one job that I had here and I’d messed it up. My heart flip-flopped as I tried to grab it from him again, but he was too quick. He held it above his head and with a giant smug spreading across his face, Victor’s face became unhinged.

“Well, if I can’t have you, Sarah, then no one can. Fuck this, I’m not playing around anymore. You can all die here and now. I don’t care anymore…”

No!I tried to cry out as his finger smashed the button down. But of course it was too late, I was too late. Everyone here was going to die, and that was all because of me. I couldn’t even fucking hold on to the bomb detonator and now…it was over…

I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the end of the world to come for us. It was done, we were done, and my heart was fucking broken. Only…weirdly, nothing happened. The world didn’t end, the bomb didn’t go off, we all just continued to stand there in one place.

The grin fell off of Victor’s face as he slammed the button over and over again…

“You can press that as many times as you like,” Mickey’s voice flew through the room, drawing our attention towards him. “It isn’t going to go off.”

He held the bomb up high, letting us all know that it wasn’t going to work because he had disarmed it. Sarah started laughing, embracing this immediately, but I was in shock. I couldn’t move at all. I was stuck, frozen in place, wondering how the world was still standing.

This was a great thing, but I was far too shaken to move.

“What the fuck is wrong with you?” Victor yelled. “Why did you do that?”

Mickey didn’t even bother to answer him, he couldn’t even be bothered to look at him. The way that he treated Victor as if he was nothing was actually genius. This was what we should have done. Because taking away attention would hurt him more than anything.

“We need to get Robert out from underneath that table,” Mickey said wryly as he walked over to the other side of the room. “Because he’s going to be locked up along with Victor as soon as the cops get here. We might as well make sure that they are both ready for it.”

“But I didn’t do anything,” Robert stammered awkwardly as Mickey pulled him out from under the table. He looked so pathetic it would have been funny if it wasn’t so ridiculous. If there weren’t so many lives that could have been hurt here. “I didn’t want anything to do with this, I was bribed into it. I didn’t want Sarah to get hurt.”

“Your intentions don’t matter,” Mickey growled as he held Robert by the shirt. “You still put that God damn bomb in the building. You could have gotten lots of people killed. And you shouldn’t have ever threatened Sarah’s life. She shouldneverbe promised to marry anyone. You know that was wrong, right? You must know it.”

Robert didn’t say anything. He was too terrified to do anything. Good. Asshole. Now we just needed to make sure that Victor was done as well. His eyes were darting everywhere. He was looking for a way out of here. He wanted to run. I wasn’t going to let him do that. He managed to get the bomb detonator out of my hand, but I wasn’t letting him go.

“Victor, maybe thingscanwork between us,” Sarah suddenly announced in a strange, dreamy-like tone of voice. It was almost as if she had been cast under a spell or something. I furrowed my eyebrows, totally confused. “I’m starting to see you in a different light now. Maybe I did just need to spend some time with you to get to know you.”

I could see Spike freaking the hell out about this as well. He wanted to react, but he also had no idea what Sarah was doing. He held his fists by his side, barely able to contain himself, but Sarah was smart so maybe this was a game. I sure as shit hoped so because this was utterly terrifying otherwise. If she really was captivated by him then how would we stop this?

“I…I told you…” Victor gasped, his eyes flickering with excitement. “I knew that was going to happen. You just need to get to know me. We will have a great time. I will treat you as the princess you are. I am a nice guy. I can prove that to you…”

Urgh, he was using thenice guyrhetoric which was the complete opposite to what he really was. Sarah knew that, right? She could see right through this. I was worried.

She nodded and allowed him to reach out for her. But the moment he touched her, Sarah reacted. She grabbed his arm and flipped him around until his arm was pinned behind his back. Victor tossed his head back and howled in agony. Or maybe frustration. It didn’t really matter, he was trapped and now we could hear the sirens.

Thank God the cops were here. This was almost over, right? This was going to be done, because I couldn’t wait to get my hands on Arya once more. I knew that there was something there between her and Spike, but I couldn’t help how I felt as well. I wanted her to know that I loved her and that she was my fated mate. Because that was the sort of love that couldn’t be ignored. We were going to have to acknowledge it. The drama in my life might not have been over, but at least Victor was done for. This whole debacle was so unnecessary. I really didn’t need to go through all of this when I had so much else going on here.

Nothing was going to get easier…not yet anyway…


