Page 81 of Marriage By Trial

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“Kiss me one more time, please,” she begged.

He was only too happy to oblige. They couldn’t strip naked and connect in the way they communicated best. Drake ignored his physical needs to see to her emotional ones. The kiss was one she’d remember her entire life.

“Ti amo, bellezza.”

“Ti amo, Drake,” she sobbed.

Months later, the tingle of that kiss survived on her lips. She brushed them with her fingertips. Kissing another man was the farthest thing from her mind. Noah had suggested Dom-shopping, but dating while pregnant with her husband’s baby felt wrong. He didn’t feel like an ex. In her heart, she would always be his.

Walking away from Drake was the hardest thing she’d ever done. Her hard-won freedom came at the cost of the one she loved the most. They spent six months together and six months apart. Today would have been their one-year wedding anniversary.

Alessandra was thankful to her brother and friends for making her feel less alone. They say the first year of marriage is the hardest. I wish things could’ve been different.

A couple of days after Drake’s failed nuptials, Alessandra moved out of the Matthews’ residence and into her own apartment. Living on her own for the first time was quite lonely. She was used to having her despondent thoughts keep her company, but she refused to give in to melancholy.

For the first time ever, she discovered herself. She was Alessandra without catering to her father’s whims or cowering from his hatred. She had no commanding husband keeping secrets from her. The trauma of her past no longer overshadowed every step she took.

Her kitten, Lila, rubbed against her leg in greeting the moment she walked in the door.


“Hello there, little lovely.”

Alessandra pulled the tiny Persian into her arms. The kitten stretched and curled up in Alessandra’s lap and began to purr. Lila filled her days with companionship and love. She hoped to provide her baby with the same contentment soon.

Alessandra had never had a pet before, but it was her therapist’s idea to consider getting one. Studies showed pets could reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Lila surely did that for her. Pets also eased loneliness and encouraged physical activity and playfulness.

The Russo family home had several guard dogs that lived in a kennel. They growled and barked when she approached. She developed a fear of dogs at an early age. A cat seemed to fit her life and condo perfectly. Noah had been the one to take Alessandra to the shelter and help her find the perfect companion.

“Do you think I should go to the club with your uncle Noah tonight?” Lila meowed in response. “You’re a bad influence.”


Chapter Forty

The gossamer silver dress Alessandra chose shimmered in the light. Beneath it, her tattoos and thong were visible. She hoped the baby bump was enough to deter unwanted suitors. Lastly, she fastened silver wrist cuffs to hide her scars.

She finger-combed her auburn waves and let them fall loosely over one shoulder. A familiar pang crept into her chest as she fingered her bare neck. She missed her collar, but it wasn’t right to keep it, since he was no longer her husband or Dom.

A knock sounded through the apartment. Alessandra glanced at the time. Noah was early.

“It’s open,” she called. “I’m still getting ready, but come in.”

Noah followed her into her bathroom and hopped on the tiny bathroom counter. Alessandra sat down in front of her makeup mirror and started with smokey colors to make her green eyes pop.

“Why so glum, chum?” he asked.

“I think we should cancel,” she said as she applied a matte lipstick.

“You’re all dressed up, and I have the perfect date for you tonight. Trust me.”

Noah tried to engage in small talk as they drove to the club. But Alessandra remained quiet, absentmindedly rubbing her belly.

Sensual deep music played through the speakers as they entered the main floor. Alessandra donned the same black lace mask she wore the first night at the club.

A Domme played with her sub on the stage. The petite woman was tied to a spanking horse and being flogged with a cat-o’-nine-tails. She squealed like a piglet with every lash but thanked her mistress. The red stripes on her skin were visible from their table.

“This was a bad idea.” Alessandra rose from her seat.
