Page 80 of Marriage By Trial

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“But last week wasn’t today.” Beth pouted.

Though they were no longer family, the women remained friends. There was just something carefree and sweet about Beth.

“Drake was asking about the baby yesterday.” She dug through her tote bag and pulled out a piece of paper. “He gave me a voluntary acknowledgment of paternity form for you.”

Tears that Alessandra had promised herself she wouldn’t cry sprang to her eyes. Once a month, Alessandra messaged Drake to update him on the progression of her pregnancy. He never pushed or asked for more. And sending her legal papers regarding custody today of all days seemed to solidify that things were truly over between them. The stupid betrayer in her chest had hoped they’d find their way back together again.

Noah nudged Beth. “Now you’ve gone and done it.”

“I’m sorry—” Beth began, but Alessandra waved her off.

“It’s just hormones. I’m okay, really.” Alessandra dabbed her eyes with a napkin. “I bawled listening to a Taylor Swift song on the way here already.”

“I know what would cheer you up,” Noah said. “You should join Jerry and me at the club tonight. I’ll help you Dom-shop. You need to dip your toes back into the dating pool and get your kicks before single parenthood leaves you with a mommy tummy and a flat ass.”

“I’ve told you many times, I don’t want a new Dom.”

“There are plenty of men who have a pregnancy fetish. You’re one hot MILF in training. I guarantee we’ll find you someone,” Noah continued.

“What happened to getting kicked in the ass by single parenthood with a mommy tummy and flat ass?”

“You know I didn’t mean it.”

A lump formed in Alessandra’s throat. She grabbed her purse and slung it over her shoulder. “I need to go.”

“No, don't leave. We’re sorry.” Beth frowned, reaching for Alessandra. “All men talk is off the table immediately.”

Alessandra stood and slung her purse over her shoulder before giving each of them a quick hug goodbye.

“I’ll pick you up at seven! Make sure you wear something sexy,” Noah called after her.

Alessandra decided to walk back to her apartment and clear her head. Thoughts of the last time she had seen Drake pulled her back to the hospital.

“You planned all of this behind my back?” she screeched.

“We did it to protect you, bella.”

She pushed out from Drake’s arms. “How many fucking times have we had this discussion? I’m sick of you lying to me. I’m sick of you saying you did shit to protect me. I’m your wife, your partner. When does my opinion matter? When do I have a voice? You need to treat me as your equal, or we can’t be together.”

“Don’t you see, bella? I did this for you. I did this to give you choices and freedom.” Tears pricked his eyes as he pulled her back against him

His minty breath burned her skin as he whispered, “Just because I’m angry and I seem to be against everyone doesn’t mean I’m against you, Alessandra. I’ve worked so hard to bury my painful past and be a better man. I want to be the man you deserve. Tell me it’s not too late. Tell me we can come back from this. Tell me you love me, even if it’s just one more time.”

“Why does it feel like you’re saying goodbye for good this time?” she asked.

He stroked her cheek, wiping away her tears. “I think we need some time apart to heal.”

“I don’t want that, Drake,” she sobbed.

“But you need it. I want to give you the space you need to decide. No more cages, Alessandra. Your wings are beautiful. Vola uccellino—fly, little bird. Your future is in your hands.”

She wept against his bruised chest. Though he winced in pain, he squeezed her as tightly as he could. They were again saying goodbye and holding one another like they meant forever.

“Thank you for showing me what real love is.” He kissed the top of her head.

This time Alessandra kissed away his tears. “Don’t give up on us, Drake. We’ll find our way back together.”

“I’ll wait for you,” he promised.
