Page 18 of Carousel of Souls

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Bael's gaze never left mine as he moved inside of me with incredible force and precision. His piercing eyes were wild with lust, but I could also sense something deeper there—something new. Hooking his arms under my thighs, he hoisted my legs over his shoulders, causing his cock to push deeper into me, never once losing his momentum.

I'd never been fucked like this before—so thoroughly and violently. Well, Ihadbeen fucked violently, but Austin always made it seem like a chore. I used to sit there in stillness, letting him rut against me until he was spent, which usually lasted about five minutes tops.

This was different. This was a give as much as it was a take. Bael gave hard, fast, and passionately, and I took ravenously, begging and pleading for more.

My head was in a haze as he pinned me down. His rough hands caressed my hips, and the pleasure he sent through my entire body with every thrust was overwhelming. He spoke softly in my ear, his voice a soothing song. "I won't stop until you come," he growled, pushing himself deeper into me. My body trembled beneath him as I submitted to his will.

"Tell me you'll stay, Moria," he said suddenly. My eyes flew open, meeting his, stunned. He never stopped moving, fucking me hard, punctuating each word with a thrust. "Stay. With. Me. Let me hold you like this every night. Let me fuck you until you forget the life you knew before me."

My mouth opened and closed, but no words came out, only moans. My head was swimming with so many thoughts, trying to piece them all together. I refused to make any promises while my mind was not my own, but I knew he would never force me to make that decision. I wanted to tell him right then that I would stay. That I would explore this afterlife with him and make a home for myself here.

"I'll give you everything you've ever craved," he breathed out between thrusts. I could tell he was getting close to coming undone. His cock thickened inside me, and his fingers shook with tension as he gripped my skin as if afraid to let go. "You've brought me peace in a lifetime of darkness. I fucking need you."

I cried out his name over and over again, like it was some kind of worshipful mantra. Each thrust felt deeper than the last; each one more intense than before, until I could feel myself teetering on the edge once more. As if sensing how close I was, Bael leaned forward for a kiss, our lips tangling together with wild abandon even as he kept up his relentless pace inside me.

When we broke apart momentarily to catch our breaths, Bael growled low in his throat while squeezing my thighs hard enough to bruise them before resuming his relentless pounding with renewed vigor, further eliciting moans from deep within me.

"Even if you decide to leave, I'll haunt you forever, blue girl. You'll feel me in every shadow, see my face in every reflection, and hear my song on every breeze."

It wasn't long now—my entire being wound taunt like a rubber band ready to snap at any moment, as wave after wave surged through me, simultaneously engulfing us both and sending us spiraling into oblivion.

Bael stopped fighting against himself and fell over that cliff with me, his cock pulsing inside my throbbing pussy, hot jets of cum coating my insides as he started to slow. His hips moved erratically, and his eyes shut tightly as he groaned my name.

He fucked me slower, slower, and slower still, kissing me languidly, lazily, and deliciously. Exhausted but satiated, we finally collapsed in each other's arms, Bael placing his entire weight on top of me. I didn't mind. I relished the feel of him covering me from head to toe as the aftershocks of pleasure spread through my limbs.

Covered only by moonlight filtering through the caged-off seat that was gently rocking as the Ferris Wheel spun around and around, we took a few moments to catch our breaths.

Bael pulled up onto his forearms, using one hand to brush wayward curls out of my face. "You're so beautiful." His dark eyes searched my face, tracing every angle carefully, as if studying a piece of art. I did the same thing to him. "Close your eyes," he whispered, placing a small kiss to the corner of my mouth.

I obeyed, letting my lids flutter shut, my body relaxing in his embrace, a small smile lingering on my lips. A buzz of energy rushed up my arms and legs, tingling pleasantly over my skin. I shivered as my stomach flipped, and I opened my eyes.

I let out a gasp as Bael's weight left me, and I found myself staring up at the ceiling of a familiar room rather than the night sky and the Ferris Wheel, blinking several times, as if maybe I was seeing things in my post sex haze. I quickly realized that I wasn't imagining things.

I was in Bael's personal tent. His bedroom. The one he and Theodore had brought me to that first night. The one I'd fled from, not knowing where I was, or which way was up or down. The lights were dim, the tent lit mainly by several candles scattered around the room on various tables of shelves. He had a lot of books lying open haphazardly, as if he'd given up in the middle of reading them to move onto the next.

The room was lavishly decorated in colorful silks, beaded curtains, and fancy chaise lounges. It was a space designed to put you at ease. I sat up, realizing I was laid out on a soft bed with a mattress that could have been made of clouds for all I knew. The duvet was black silk, and smelled like roses, and draped around it was floor to ceiling netting, creating a private little cocoon that was halfway pulled back by rope.

Crawling up to my knees, I made my way down to the foot of the bed and peered out of the netting to see the rest of the room. It was nearly three times larger than Ellie's wagon, which was bigger than mine by far.

I took in all the finery and his expensive collection of oddities, then looked around for Bael. He was standing near a small table off to the side, one of his hands lightly gripping a glass of something amber colored as he stared down at yet another half-open book with an unreadable expression on his face.

His hair had fallen forward into messy waves that framed his features perfectly. I could practically feel the softness of how those strands had slipped through my fingers only minutes before.

He finally noticed me watching him and turned to look my way with sparkling eyes full of purely male satisfaction. Right now they were a deep navy blue tinged with flecks of silver and amber, reminding me of the deepest parts of the sea.

"How long have I been here?" I asked him, coming to a perch on the end of his bed, letting my feet dangle, though they didn't quite reach the ground.

"Minutes," he said, setting down his glass. It was then that I realized he was still dressed in the same clothing as before, only now, he was missing his tailcoat entirely, bare chested and showing off every glorious tattoo that fascinated me. I scanned him appreciatively, pausing on the dip of his muscles that narrowed into a V, just above his still unbuttoned leather pants.

He smiled smugly, obviously noticing my appraisal. "Glad I still have your attention,Chéri" he said with a wink. His eyes drifted down my body, heating with need that made me want to preen.

"Can you blame me?" I replied without missing a beat before turning away to take in the room for what it was—a sanctuary of sorts and somewhere that seemed peaceful, despite all the strangeness outside of it. "Why did you bring me here?"

I peered down at myself, noticing that I was wearing a strange shirt that I hadn't had on before. It was a men's dress shirt, but in an older style that reminded me of centuries-old fashion. It looked like something a faerie-tale prince might wear. The shirt was cream-colored, and so large on me that it fell to my upper thighs and belled at my wrists.

He approached the bed with a cat-like swagger that only Bael St. Claire could pull off. My heart hammered and my mouth dried up the closer he got. Reaching out, he sunk his fingers into my hair and pulled my face towards his, placing a gentle, delicious kiss on my lips.

When he pulled back, his thumb stroked my cheek. "I like seeing you in my bed."

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