Page 20 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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“I didn’t intend to deceive you, Chaz, any more than I intended to end up—” She gestured toward the bed. “I just wanted to have time to get to know you again before you found out who I was.”

“Honey, Irecognize a setup when I see one. Awilling woman, aconvenient bed, arelative at the door. It’s as old as the hills.”


“Enough, Shayne.” He shot her a look that silenced her more effectively than anything else could have, one that combined a bitter cynicism with an underlying fury. “You have precisely thirty seconds to put on some clothes, or I swear I’ll drag you downstairs the way you are.”

She didn’t waste any more energy talking. In one swift move, she dropped the bedsheet while sliding her gown over her head. Underpants and heels followed. She didn’t bother trying to wiggle into her stockings. Beneath her floor-length skirt, it was doubtful anyone would notice. Except for her hair, she’d pass muster. Chin held high, she started for thedoor.

Chaz stepped forward to block her path. An odd expression slipped into his gaze, an expression she’d known long ago, one that was protective and caring and almost loving. Tears of longing pricked hereyes.

“Shayne.” Even her name came on winds from the past. “We can’t go back.”

“I know.” She returned his look, regret and hope mingling as one. “But we have the future. We can choose which path we take from here.”

A tender smile touched his mouth even as he shook his head. “That path was decided a long time ago. I’m not the man you knew. What you’re doing will only cause a world of hurt.”

“Only if you choose to hurt me.”

The tenderness seeped away, leaving behind desolation. “I can’t do anything else. It’s not too late, Shayne. Tell your brother you’ve changed your mind.”

“I haven’t changed my mind, Chaz. Not in nine years. Not in ninety.”

“What you feel is a dream. It isn’t real.”

“Then I hope I sleep forever.” The truth was, she’d been sleeping. She’d slept for the past nine years. But she was awake now, brought to life by a single kiss. She couldn’t go back to that other existence, even if she wanted to. Life awaited her, alife withChaz.

His mouth settled along grim lines. “So be it. Let’s hope your dream doesn’t turn into a nightmare.”

Thrusting open the door, he gestured for her to precede him. As she passed she had the crazy impression that he feathered a kiss on top of her head. Of course, she was mistaken. He was furious with her. Furious at her deception, at Rafe’s insistence that they marry, at being caught in the machinations of the Beaumonts once again. Any feelings he might have for her, she’d destroyed when she’d opened her heart, while cautiously masking herface.

Her mask! Spinning around, she darted past him and back into the room. She didn’t know why it felt so urgent to recover the mask, but it did. The bells chattered an urgent greeting as she looped the elastic band over herarm.

“What are you doing, Shayne? You don’t need that any longer.”

“I know. Ijust wanted to have it.”

He lifted an eyebrow. “A souvenir?”

She lifted her chin, refusing to back down. “Is that so difficult to believe?”

“I thought souvenirs were to mark occasions you want to remember. Not those you’d rather forget.”

“And you’d rather forget tonight?” she demanded in a rare display of anger.

“There’s only one thing about this evening I care to remember.” He lifted the mask dangling from her arm and plucked free a strand of bells. “The rest will haunt my memory without any reminders. Now do we join your brother, or do we put an end to this farce?”

“We join my brother.” She touched his arm as he drew level with her, feeling the heavy cording of work-hardened muscle beneath her hand. Tension radiated from him. Did her mere touch do that? If so, there was hope for them yet. “You had a reason for marrying, Chaz. That hasn’t changed. Ipromise I’ll do whatever I can to help you achieve your goal. But I was serious earlier. If I’m not pregnant, I’ll leave if that’s what you want. All I’m asking is that you give us a chance.”

As close as they stood, she could see the implacable set of his jawline, the tight swallow that moved the bronzed column of his throat. Aflare of emotion sparked in his eyes, before being swiftly doused. “It won’t work, sweetheart,” he said ever so gently. “Maybe, long ago. But not now.”


“Because I have nothing left to give. If I ever knew love, it was so long ago I can hardly remember.”

A fierce determination seized hold. “Then I’ll find it for you. Ican. Iwill!”

“No, Shayne. You won’t.”
