Page 19 of Fairy Tale Marriage

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For an instant his expression softened and she caught a glimpse of the Chaz she’d once know, the man who’d made her his with a fierce adoration that she’d never forgotten. Would never forget. “Shayne...” Her name whispered through the air, ripe with memory.

Behind them the door thrust open. In one instinctive move, Chaz pivoted, planting himself squarely between her and the perceived threat.

“Shayne?” Rafe called out. “Are you all right?”

She drew a ragged breath, overwhelmed by what Chaz had revealed. Whether he wanted to admit it or not, he still had feelings for her. No doubt they were buried deep. And no doubt he’d weed them free, if he could. But they were there, nonetheless. “I’m fine, Rafe. Chaz and I were just getting—” If it weren’t so tragic, she’d laugh. “We were getting reacquainted.”

“Ella was concerned. Iam also concerned.”

“This is between your sister and me, Beaumont,” Chaz snarled. “Or were you planning on interfering again?”

“I wanted to make sure she was unharmed.”

“She’s a big girl now. Afew bumps and bruises aren’t going to kill her.”

Fury glittered in Rafe’s eyes and he took a step into the room. “If you mark her in any way—”

This time Shayne took a protective stance in front of Chaz. “It’s an expression, Rafe. He didn’t mean it literally. Chaz would never hurt me.”

“You’re pretty confident,” he murmured in her ear. “Considering I was on my way out of here when big brother arrived.”

Rafe inclined his head. “I’ll arrange to have a wedding salon made available.” The tiniest of accents had drifted into his voice, warning that he wasn’t feeling as equitable as he let on. “Do you have a preference as to the ceremony?”

“Yeah.” Chaz bent down and snagged his cummerbund from the floor. “None. Igot what I came for.”

Rafe drew in a harsh breath and Shayne knew if she didn’t act fast, someone was going to leave the room in a lot more pain than when they entered. She turned into Chaz’s arms, catching him by surprise.

“We can make it a temporary marriage,” she said in a low, desperate voice, praying her brother didn’t hear. “Just until we find out whether or not I’m pregnant. That’ll give me enough time to give you the home you want.”

He looked like she’d sucker-punched him. “What the hell are you talking about?”

“You told me you’d packed plenty of protection against that possibility.” Her eyes flashed with temper. “Perhas you should have taken a moment to unpack before coming here.”

“I didn’t expect to take my bride before taking a wife!”

For some reason that struck Shayne as funny and she couldn’t help smiling. “We never seem to get it quite right, do we?”

“Pregnant,” Chaz repeated, ashade too loudly. “Damn.”

“Preg— Basta!” Rafe roared. He stabbed his finger at Chaz. “You will finish dressing and present yourself in the library within the next five minutes. Iwill have a priest standing by.”

“And if I refuse?”

“You would allow her to bear your bastard? It is your style, yes?”

Chaz went white, his hands collapsing into fists. Shayne stared from one man to the other in alarm. Something unspoken passed between the two, something she didn’t have a hope of understanding. Whatever it was, it locked them in a battle of wills, an explosive edge of violence burning between them, fighting for expression.

Without knowing what had set them off, she had no hope of diffusing the situation. Still, she could try. “Could we calm down and discuss this rationally? What’s going on?”

“Nothing that need concern you,” Rafe replied. “Your husband-to-be and I are simply reaching an understanding. Do you agree to my terms, Mr. McIntyre? You will marry her?”

“You’ll regret this, Beaumont.”

“I don’t doubt it.” Rafe’s mouth pulled to one side and he shrugged. “But she is my sister. I’ll do whatever it takes to make her happy. For some strange reason, she thinks you’re capable of doing that. Five minutes.” Without another word, he turned and left theroom.


“Don’t. Don’t say another word.” He searched the room for his boots. Finding them kicked beneath a drape of sheet, he sat on the edge of the bed and pulled them on. “You heard your brother. You’ll have your heart’s desire in five short minutes. Do you plan to dress for your wedding or is that bedcover your gown of choice?”
