Page 39 of Desperate

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Chapter Thirteen

Rey ignored her quiet sniffles and the way she wiped her cheeks with furious palms as he drove through the packed streets. It was clear he wasn’t taking Devin back to her home, and he’d shouted at her when she’d begun to ask where he was taking her. She’d been crying off and on since. There’d never been a time she’d been so emotional, and this constant sniveling would drive her insane before they did.

Traffic seemed intent on keeping her locked in the car with the furious male. The stench of his impatience and anger choked her, making her cry all the harder when the sobs would burst free without warning. She wanted her apartment, the familiar smells of home, as awful as it was. The disgusting couch covered in her sheets, each one saturated in her scent.

Safety, even if it was all an illusion.

“Fucking move!” Rey’s wide palm connected with the panel for the horn. The steering wheel groaned under his tensed grip as he leaned into it, blaring sound at the cars ahead.

Devin was on the floorboard in a breath, curled up into a ball with her arms over her head. A cowering, miserable ball that choked on its sobs. She tried to remain quiet and inconspicuous as the Alpha raged above her, his curses slamming against her shoulders, pummeling her back until it felt bloody and raw.

“I said get back in your seat,” Rey shouted, hauling Devin up by her neck. Shoving her back, ignoring her low whine, he leaned close to snarl in her face. “Get your fucking seatbelt on before I get a ticket.”

Was he joking? No one would stop him, least of all for having an Omega without a belt. Devin shrank against the door, fingers fumbling with the restraint as she tugged it into place. Rey didn’t release her until he heard the latch click. At least then he turned his full attention back to the crawling trail of cars ahead of them.

Devin glanced out of the windshield, brows furrowing as she tried to recognize where they were. Familiar buildings sprawled on either side of the stretch of four lane road, but she couldn’t place them. While they grew dingy and darker the further they crawled along, she couldn’t say why one red brick beast was any more recognizable than the next.

Rey’s hand slapped down onto her thigh, kneading the flesh with hard fingers. Growling his impatience, he worked his way higher with every inch of asphalt gained. Devin tried to turn her attention to the outside world, to ignore the way her pussy throbbed at his first touch, but it all smeared together into meaningless nothing. A shaky inhalation brought her his scent.

“Please, someone will see me,” Devin whispered, though she was angling her hips towards his searching fingers. Her hand caressed the shifting muscles of his forearm, ruffling the dark hair there as she strained to touch more of him.

“Gods damn it.” Rey’s hiss of breath through clenched teeth was somehow as exhilarating as the two fingers he pushed inside her. The thought of the Alpha losing his control as he eased them in and out of her, working the slick that flowed at his touch all over her pussy and thighs, was intoxicating.

“No, please, no.”

Rey’s hand wrenched free, slamming into the steering wheel with enough force that something plastic shattered and crumbled free. He shouted, cursing as he slammed his foot on the gas. The car leapt forward, engine screaming as he steered them into a sudden break in the traffic.

There was no time for distractions now. Swerving his way through side streets and back alleys, Rey pushed them into unfamiliar territory. Nothing here was clean. Overloaded dumpsters, people in mud caked rags huddled against rusting shopping carts. There was the random brilliant signage, announcing some corner store or another, but they became few and far between the crumbling buildings as Rey took a breathtaking turn.

Angling back towards the main thoroughfare, the buildings once again whole and unfeeling, Devin realized where they were.

He’d brought her to the warehouse district, not far from Bayside Heights at all. She’d worked at the copy store for two days, there was the diner that took most of her last pay for broken dishes. A plethora of failures swerved by as Rey drove with reckless speed through the evening traffic, none of the lumbering crush avoided.

As the most familiar faded into the rearview, a lump formed in the pit of Devin’s stomach. There was nothing good at the docks, where he seemed to be heading now. The people there needed Omegas for a handful of things, and it wasn’t accounting or data entry.

The sedan slowed, coming to a stop at a red light that did nothing for Rey’s rancor. Devin eyed the door handle, wondering how fast she could unlatch the belt and dive out the door. Even if she was fast enough, no one would stop Rey from dragging her back, and somehow, she didn’t doubt he could catch her. There’d be no safety running the streets of the city proper in nothing but an Alpha’s t-shirt, either.

Hands clinging to the armrest and door handle as Rey sent the car squealing forward, Devin couldn’t muffle her whine. Her terror mixed with arousal, the hideous scent clogging the back of her throat, making it too hard to breathe. Stomach doing a somersault, Devin slapped at the controls on the door to try and bring the window down.

Rey shouted at her, incomprehensible things as Devin’s struggle to get much-needed air veered into a desperate attempt to not throw up in the speeding, expensive car. Slamming her small fist against the window, she was surprised when the door swung open. Devin came to a hard stop, the seatbelt digging deep into her hips and throat, leaving her dangling. There was no stopping it now.

She threw up all over shiny black shoes, gray slacks spattered with the next vicious heave.

“I’m so sorry,” Devin sobbed, shoving against the frame to push herself back enough to get the restraint undone.

“Yeah, sure. Don’t worry about it,” the man belonging to the now ruined shoes said with a plastic smile as Devin gagged and coughed.

“Don’t you dare throw up on me,” Rey bellowed, leaning into the car to wrench the belt free, breaking the latch to haul Devin out by his hold on her bicep. He dragged her across the warm concrete, not letting Devin get her feet under her until they were through the black double doors.

“Couldn’t you at least put some clothes on her? We have an image—”

“You want to be alive tomorrow, Paul?”

Devin’s head swung up, wanting to beg for help, a trash can, something, but found her tongue trying to crawl down the back of her throat when Rey’s hand tightened on her arm. Purple hued flashes danced through her swimming vision as he pulled her along after him with the paunchy, middle-aged man with a large bald spot leading the way.

Devin felt she must have blacked out, because the next time she realized where they were, was when Rey tossed her onto the floor. There was no care for her this time, nothing gentle about it as he let her dead weight drop. At least the thick rug cushioned some of the fall, even if it did scrape away a few layers of skin from her elbows and knees.

“About time,” Beau said, coming from some room in the back of the… apartment? Hotel room? Devin had no idea where she was.
