Page 38 of Desperate

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She’d made an utter spectacle of herself.

“Pack whatever’s left up, throw the rest away,” Rey said as he started for the bedroom. Spinning his cell phone in his hand, he glanced back at her once. “Remember, that door doesn’t open.”

At that, he shut the bedroom door behind him, leaving Devin to do his bidding. Which she did, of course. Muttering about the irresponsibility of not recycling, she did as he’d told her to, even taking the time to arrange the remaining food within the single plastic bag that survived her terrorizing and storing it in the refrigerator.

Devin could hear him beyond the door, the low rise and fall of his voice. He’d wanted privacy for this call, and that bothered her. Almost as much as her reaction to him opening the door for the delivery, but for a very different reason. Unwilling to focus too much on either, worried she’d become an emotional mess once more, she curled up on the couch to wait.

She couldn’t think of what came next. Her tenuous grip on her sanity couldn’t take it. It also couldn’t withstand picking apart the almost jealousy that’d assaulted her when he showed someone else his bared chest and legs. Had the delivery guy noticed the wedge of warm brown thigh, only a shade paler than the rest of Rey’s body, bared by the movement of the towel?

Scoffing at the paths her mind tried to drag her, Devin snuggled deeper into the cushions. Eyes growing heavy, she listened for the click of the latch, the rattle of a doorknob to signal his return. Must have missed both as Rey came to loom over her, gaze harder, nearing enraged again, as he caught and held the deep violet-blue of hers.

“Get the food.”

Nothing more than that, not even moving out of the way. Forcing Devin to scramble around his bulk to follow orders, scampering through the apartment to fetch the plastic bag from the fridge. He was dressed, impeccable as she’d ever seen him. Not one hair out of place as he stalked out of the front door and began down the hallway before she could even round the corner of the kitchen.

“Come on.”

The barked command singed through her synapses, putting extra speed into her faltering steps. Devin would have screamed at the loud bang of his door slamming behind her if she wasn’t so busy rushing after him. Why did she feel this way? It’d never been like this before. Her fear had never spiraled so far out of her control, and in the not-so-distant past she would have cursed any Alpha snapping orders at her within the silence of her thoughts. Since that night with Beau, everything had changed, and not for the better.

There were black markets, places where Omegas could get everything ripped right out. Dangerous, back-alley surgeries that could leave her dead or worse, but maybe worth it if this was the life she’d been missing out on. She never wanted to be this thing that fell all over themselves to appease some Alpha.

Even if he did smell incredible as he crowded her into the corner of the elevator. His muscled bulk outlined in the snug fit of his shirt promised a male in his prime, an Alpha not to be toyed with. Just as the Chinese food had made her mouth water, now her body seemed ready to sate another hunger. Easing forward, she sniffed his chest, taking in the darkness of his scent and the bright, tart hint of strawberries lingering beneath it. Such a strange mixture for an Alpha, but suited to him, this male who was violent and gentle by turns. A low hum skipped over her lips, leaping through the air as he allowed her to nuzzle him. Just a little taste of what she wanted.

Still clothed in nothing more than the shapeless bag of his shirt, it’d be nothing for him to stop the elevator, throw her against the cold metal panel, and—

“I said enough,” Rey snarled, shoving her back.

Sense returned with the dull peal of her head rebounding from the same metal she’d envisioned Rey crushing her against. Lower lip trembling, more at the loss of herself than any remaining pain, Devin huddled around her middle. Arms crossed tight over her stomach, she curled into a ball of shame.

The risk of death would be worth never having to endure something like this again.

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