Page 3 of Down Down Baby

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Chapter Two


I was ignorant about a lot of things in this world, but one thing I was fairly confident about—knowing when a man is interested.

And that man wanted to study me like a double credit elective.

I didn’t catch his name before he pushed the button to send me on my merry way, but I caught the smirk he threw over his shoulder as I rattled off and over that first hill.

Like he wouldn’t mind seeing me again.

Which would’ve happened immediately if Helena hadn’t gotten off the ride wobbling, a greenish tint to her skin. I couldn’t get back in line with my friend looking like she had sea legs. Kara grabbed one arm, and I grabbed the other. Between the two of us, we helped our sick little friend over to a bench. She all but fell onto it, her head hanging down almost to her knees, her arms propped up with her elbows on her thighs.

Kara rubbed her back in slow circles. “Babes, why didn’t you tell us you didn’t like roller coasters? We would never make you do something you don’t want to do.” Helena’s only response was a low moan. I didn’t know Helena couldn’t do roller coasters, but I was fairly sure I knew the reason she didn’t tell us and got on the ride, anyway.

Helena didn’t speak up. Helena didn’t go against the flow. Helena was agreeable at all times. We’d been trying to break her of that habit by building her confidence. Hell, that’s what the Chub Club was for—learning to be your authentic self. But she, like all of us, was a work in progress.

“I’m going to get her some water.” I waited until Kara nodded in agreement before I got up from the bench and went in search of a snack counter. There was one every fifty feet, it seemed, but the lines were endless. Waiting wasn’t a problem for me, but Helena’s spinning head and queasy stomach were higher priority.

A glint of light reflecting off a bright red metallic surface drew my eye back over to the entrance of the rollercoaster. A cold drink vending machine stood right by the stairs that led up to the platform where the ride began. Where he was.

The only reason I went over there was because I needed a bottle of water. That was it. I wasn’t even going to look up and see if I could see him while he was working. At least not on purpose.

And I couldn’t, anyway. Because yes, I looked, but the stairs and guard rail that led up to the platform hindered my view from below.

Well, I wouldn’t get bent because I couldn’t get a glimpse of that dark t-shirt and wranglers. Much.

Four dollars for a bottle of water stung a little, but anyone going into an amusement park area knows the snacks are overpriced, and the bottled drinks are a luxury. Besides, I was paying for almost nothing on this vacation, having been invited by the tourism board to stay on the island and blog about my trip. And I got to bring my three best friends from the Chub Club with me.

Deal of a lifetime.

I’ve always been a confident person, but it wasn’t something that came easy for me. I worked at it everyday just like anything else, because I was worth it. And it was important to me to help others become confident about themselves as well.

That’s why I loved the Chub Club so much.

It started when a group of online friends wanted a time slot at a gym for people with a little extra padding. A place where they could work out and learn about strength without worrying about being judged. But it soon morphed into something bigger. There was even an online support group.

That was how I met Kara, Maisy, and Helena. All four of us had such unique personalities, but we got along great. That’s why they were the first people I thought of when I booked the trip to Ember Island. If there was anyone who deserved to go on an all-expenses paid trip to an island known for its hunky locals, it was my girls.

And if my girl Helena needed a bottle of water to keep from puking her brains out after scrambling them on a roller coaster, then I was going to get her one. Even as the money slot spit out my five-dollar bill for the third damn time.

“You monkey fluffer…”

“What on earth is a monkey fluffer?”

I muffled a shriek and stumbled back from the vending machine. Did… did the machine just talk to me? Obviously, a machine couldn’t talk, but I could have been getting trolled by a candid camera video. I’m sure some of my followers would love that.

I wouldn’t, but when you’re a public figure, people don’t always care about your preferences. They care about reactions.

“Up here, Gia.”

I followed the laughing voice in a straight line up the wall, to the top of the railway… and there he was. Mr. Dark T-shirt himself, leaning over the railing and calling me by name in that low, gravelly voice that sends shivers down my spine.

And other places.

“Well hello, hot stuff.” I greeted him the same way I’d done earlier. Mostly because it was the only way I knew him since he didn’t introduce himself. I sure like the way Gia sounded from his lips though. I hoped I’d get to hear him say it again.

“Are you fighting with that machine down there? If it’s not taking cash you might need to use a credit card. I can call someone out to put a sign on it, but it might take a minute. You good with that?”
