Page 56 of Filthy Bratva

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His stare is like poison, and his breath smells foul, like rotting meat left out for days. He pulls me so close to his face that I can feel the prickle of his beard on my skin. Then, he tosses me by my hair onto the desk.

“Close the door and lock it,” he growls to his men. “I think we got some business to attend to.”

The door is closed with a solid thus, the lock sliding into place as I try to get my bearings. The room is spinning around me, but I can see Stone clearly. He’s leaning over me, smiling with his blackened teeth, and breathing heavily, like he caught me after a long chase.

The shotgun is still on the floor, but it’s far beyond my reach, and I’m outnumbered eight to one. There’s no way that I’ll be able to defend myself now. I fucked up my only chance to get out of this unscathed.

Now, Stone will decide my fate.

“Listen, girly. We know who you are, and we know your involvement with Savva. Hell, we even knew your dumbass father Angus before he pissed us the fuck off. Point is, we know everything, and if you want to leave here with your life, I suggest you listen to me and you listen fucking closely.”

I can barely move, but I manage to nod, which seems to be enough for him.

“First, you’re going to tell us where Savva is, and don’t play dumb. You don’t want to piss me off today,” he says, his eyes cutting into me like shards of glass.

I wouldn’t sell out Savva, but I don’t even know where he is if I wanted to tell Stone. I know he’s not going to like hearing that, but I have nothing else to give him.

“I-I honestly don’t know,” I stammer. “He went out.”

“Where?!” Stone shouts, spit flying into my face.

“I don’t know!” My voice is trembling and I’m already in tears. “Please, just let me go. I’m not involved in all this.”

He chuckles, and his voice is so cold and emotionless that it feels like the room has suddenly been submerged in ice water. “You’re just as much a part of this as anyone else, girly. Now, tell me where Savva went, or I’m going to make you wish you could turn back time and blow your own brains out.”

He pulls a knife from his boot, showing me the sharpness of the blade in the light from the broken window. “You see this? I slit a cop’s throat with it just last night. I’m kind of curious what it would do to your sweet little guts. I’ve been needing a new liver after all the booze.” He laughs again, and the entire room erupts into laughter with him.

I take a sharp breath in, thinking how easy it would be for him to harm the baby, even if he didn’t succeed in killing me. I can’t let that happen. Even if I have to make up a story on the spot, I can’t allow him to stick that evil blade inside of me.

“Savva went to the store, the fresh food store. The one down the street,” I blurt, drawing on my memories of the time we spent together. It’s better than trying to fabricate a complete lie.

“Oh, is that so?” Stone asks, turning the knife to me and grinning. “What was he going there to buy?”

I know he’s testing me, but I already have an answer. “Lemons and limes for the bar. We’re low, and tonight is going to be busy.”

He narrows his eyes at me but appears to buy the story. “Well, we’ll just have to wait for him to come back, won’t we? But in the meantime, I think I’d like to let off some steam. It’s been a while since I’ve blown my load in a bitch as fuckable as you.”

I scramble back on the desk, but he grabs my legs, pulling me toward him and slicing my shin my accident with the knife in his hand. Blood oozes onto his hand, and he lets me go, wiping it on the front of his jacket.

I jump off the desk, going for the broken window, but someone else grabs me before I can get there, flinging me toward Stone again.

“Don’t make it harder than it has to be, or I’m going to tear you up so bad you’ll be pissing blood for weeks,” he growls, grabbing my hair and holding me by it as he swipes his blade across my shirt.

It cuts through both the fabric and my skin, blood gushing out as I scream from the white-hot pain. I struggle against him, realizing now that I probably won’t survive whatever he’s about to do to me. If this is the way it starts, I can only imagine how brutally it will end.

And I’m not going down without a fight.

I squirm in his grip, lurching up and sinking my teeth into his wrist. I bite down so hard that the flavor of sweat and dirt is replaced with the warm metallic taste of blood. He howls as he shakes me loose, swiping his knife at me again and just barely missing as I let go and fall back.

“I’m going to fucking kill you, bitch!”

I scramble back, running toward the window again but getting caught in the same way as before. I’m tossed over to Stone again, and he grabs my mouth so hard that my cheeks touch inside my mouth, shaking me and screaming obscenities in my face.

I can’t even make sense of his words anymore. The blood loss is making everything gray and fuzzy.

My consciousness rushes back to me as Stone presses his blade against my neck, my body releasing a flood of adrenaline, one last fighting effort that won’t be enough. Nothing can stop him from slitting my throat and killing me.

Nothing, except for Savva.

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