Page 57 of Loving Emma

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“Glad you like it.”

“Can I dig in? I’m starving.”

“Of course.”

“So… Damn, where was I?” she asked as she began to assemble her fajita.

“Mrs. Hamilton’s not budging from Esperance.”

“Right! So today, guess what happened?”

“I’m dying to know.”

Her beautiful eyes sparkling, she said, “Her daughter came by, to surprise her.”

“That’s amazing.” God, I loved her.

“It was, and it gets better. She and her husband have bought a house in Esperance. They’re moving back, because she doesn’t want to be away from her mom anymore. And they want her to move in with them! How good is that?!”

“Amazing. How did Mrs. Hamilton take the news?”

“She cried, if you can believe that.”

I thought for a moment. “I can’t.”

Another giggle. “I know. It was so awesome. We were all crying by the end. I’m so happy for her.”

“Me too.”

She took a bite of the fajita and let out an ecstatic groan of pleasure. “Oh my god, this is amazing.”

My dick twitched. “How about you don’t moan like that at the dinner table, if you want to actually finish your meal.”


While we ate, I tried my hardest not to notice how…married…it all felt. Me cooking, Emma coming home and telling me all about her day. I loved every fucking second of it. It made me think back to the day when I’d asked her to move in with me. This is what life would have been like for us. But it wasn’t our life, was it? She was only on loan, while her dad was in NYC. Just giving me a tortuous little wonderful taste of what might have been.

“What’s that frown for?”


She reached across the table and ran the tip of her finger between my eyebrows. “Why so scowly, Mr. Grumpypants?”

Forcing myself to smile, I deflected. “Just thinking about a shitty job that needs doing.”

“Ugh. I hate those.”

“Yeah.” I stood and started collecting the dishes together.

“Whose turn is it to choose a movie?”

“Already got one lined up.”

“Rude. How do you know I’ll even like it? It better not be one of those stupid action movies.” She followed me into the kitchen, putting the plates on the sink.

“I think you’ll like it, but we can turn it off if you don’t and you can choose something else. Fair warning, though, I draw the line at another Jane Austen.”

“I don’t see why you need to be like that. It had a happy ending. For you, at least.” She smacked my arm playfully.
