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Next, I put a slight blush on my cheeks. Nothing too obvious. Dalton hates it when I have on makeup. He says it covers up the girl he fell in love with. I put on his favorite peony sheer lipstick and go into the closet. Opening the jewelry box, I pull out the diamond earrings and necklace he bought me for my graduation and put both of them on.

I stand for a moment or two, staring at myself in the mirror. “Whoa.” I look like a mature young woman. Not sure I look mature enough to be a president's wife, but I definitely look in love and happy. With that thought, I grab my silver strappy shoes and put the dress on. Luckily he thought to make it one that could be put over my head.

Dressed and more than ready to meet him outside, I go out of his backdoor toward his private garden and immediately I see him standing there, clad in a white suite, his face beaming at me. The archway is covered in pink and white roses and a man holding a bible is beside him. “Dalton, everything looks beautiful.” I tell him. He walks towards me with his hand out.

“I know this is not how you pictured, and I promise, as soon as humanly possible we will plan you the wedding you deserve, but, for right now, I can think of no other way to settle your fears and prove to all of those who will oppose us, that we are serious and forever, than for us to marry before anyone finds out. So, Everleigh my angel, will you marry me right here and right now?”

“Dalton, of course I will.” And in front of no one and everyone who matters at this moment, I marry the man I love. When he says his vows to me, promising to love honor and cherish me. Swearing to put me and our family above all others, no matter what, I hear the real declaration. He is telling me if he has to give up his position he will. He slides that wedding ring on my finger and something in me calms. It's like the roaring seas that were torrent and rampantly flowing through my mind, body and heart suddenly hit calm waters and everything makes sense. It sounds crazy, but it’s like I can feel my strength grow with the slide of that platinum band onto my finger.

When it is my turn to say my vows, I swear to trust him, follow him and stand beside him in times of turmoil and times of joy. I promise to forsake all others in honor of our life and family. When the minister hands me Dalton’s band and I put it on him, his eyes begin to sparkle, and I swear I can feel the beating of his happy heart. The vein in his neck dances and then the minister pronounces us man and wife.

He walks to me, his face shrouded in happiness and contentment. “I love you wife.” he says to me, cupping my face.

“I love you husband,” The kiss is deliberate and sensual. It’s erotic and something not to be shared, but right now neither of us can care. Our tongues take their first dance as an and wife, sliding and tangling with one another's, sharing in the dual euphoria, but promising a rapture.

“Sir.” The minister clears his throat and we both pull back, smiling and without shame. “It is time to sign the marriage certificates.” Dalton nods and takes the pen from his hand and signs his name. He then turns to me and hands me the pen. With no hesitation or thought, I declare myself, Everleigh Iris Lore, First Lady of the United State of America. Holy shit!

Chapter Five


Two Days Later

“Damn it, angel, come.” I am grunting, rutting into her pregnant pussy, trying to feed her greed before this online meeting with members of the National Bank to propose a bailout for mortgage lenders. But, my insatiable wife has become hungrier since we said our vows, and it seems she has become more confident in our relationship. She has begun dreaming of what our life will be like when I am no longer in the spotlight. I love the look of love on her face, and bliss.

“No. Harder husband.” Smack. I smack her juicy ass, closing my eyes when her pussy clenches my cock, squeezing the fucking come out of me, my resistance is non-existent when it comes to her. Especially now knowing my child is inside of her.

“Shit, angel. You did that on purpose. Ah fuck!” I look down at my cock coming out of her creamy pussy, with her ass in my face. Grunting into her neck, I pinch her nipples and bite her, smiling when she yells into the bubble of our room, before falling on her face. I’m pissed that I cannot lay with her, but I have to go.
