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Christian observed their exchange through half-lidded eyes and Noelle was convinced she and Geoff were successfully selling the fabrication. But when the stilted meal at long last concluded, it was Christian’s hand, warm and too familiar, at the small of her back as they made their way from the restaurant. Geoff had deferred to Christian’s rank, and she was now far too aware that her willpower wasn’t as strong as she’d hoped. As she wove between the tables, a slowly expanding coil of heat threatened her peace of mind.

Christian’s car and driver awaited him at the curb, but instead of bidding them good-night, he lingered while the valet brought Geoff’s car around. They made an awkward trio.

When Geoff would have opened the car door and handed Noelle into the passenger seat, Christian used his height and broad shoulders as a not so subtle barrier to keep Geoff from reaching her.

“I’ve got this.” Christian set his hand on the car door and lifted the corners of his lips, shooting Geoff a perfunctory smile that was quickly gone. When he shifted his gaze to Noelle, his eyes glowed with possessive intent.

“Thank you for a lovely evening,” she said as Christian handed her into the passenger seat.

“I enjoyed meeting your fiancé, but we didn’t get the chance to talk about Marc or our future. I’ll call you tomorrow and we can discuss the best time for the three of us to get together.”

Before Noelle could protest, Christian shut the door and with a brief, wicked grin at getting in the last word, backed away from the car.

Geoff glanced at her before pulling away from the curb. “Are you okay?”

“Sure,” she lied, tearing her gaze away from Christian with effort. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“He’s still watching us go.”

Noelle’s nerves were frayed by the tension. “How do you expect me to respond to that?” she snapped, her tone harsh. As soon as the words were out she hunched her shoulders. “I’m sorry. The man gets to me.”

“From the way he was looking at you tonight, you get to him, as well.”

Geoff probably meant for his words to reassure her. Instead, she just barely resisted the urge to drop her face into her hands and moan in misery. The last thing she needed was to speculate whether Christian’s interest in marrying her was motivated by anything other than expediency.

“You’re supposed to be the sensible voice that tells me not to get involved with Christian.” Noelle sighed, predicting a long sleepless night ahead. “I need to keep my head clear and my emotions on ice until he gives up on the idea of marrying me.”

“You don’t think he bought that we’re madly in love and destined to live happily-ever-after?” Geoff’s wry inflection had serious undertones. Earlier that day he’d tried to talk her out of her gambit, but she’d been too panicky to listen.

“Maybe at first.”

“I thought I played the part of your ardent suitor very well.”

“You did.” The flaw in the plan lay solely at her doorstep. How could she pretend to be in love with Geoff if her heart still fluttered when Christian was near? With a woeful sigh she surrendered to the inevitable.

Noelle grasped the enormous diamond and slid the ring from her finger. It was a relief to take the clumsy thing off. She might have handled the weight better if she didn’t feel so much regret about dragging Geoff into her schemes.

With one corner of his mouth lifted in a half smile, Geoff took the ring and popped it into his breast pocket. “And just like that I’m a single man again.”

“It was my fault he saw through us. I shouldn’t have attempted to trick him. He’s far too astute for that. He’s probably already had you checked out and knows we’re not together.”

Geoff’s expression turned serious. “Your openness and honesty are what everyone loves about you. Don’t let Christian turn you into someone you’re not. Be honest with him about your fears for Marc.”

At the moment Noelle wasn’t feeling remotely honest or lovable. She was an anxious mother ready to defend her child through whatever devious or dirty means necessary.

“Are you sure the prince isn’t sincere about wanting a relationship with Marc?”

“I don’t know.” Her heart had a different opinion, but Noelle couldn’t trust the poor, misguided thing. “I’d feel better about it if he wasn’t under pressure to produce an heir.”

For five long years, a tiny, hopeful part of her had been waiting for Christian to appear on her doorstep the way he used to when they were together. Each year her optimism had dimmed until only a minute speck of it remained. Now he wanted back in her life. Not because he missed her or realized she was his soul mate, but because she’d given birth to his son, and Marc was a quick fix for his current predicament.
