Page 4 of Psycho Professor

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Someone, and I don't know who it is but I know someone’s been following me and watching me for a couple weeks now.

I’m finishing up the reason I’m visiting the ladies when I hear the door squeak a whine open and closed again.

The sound of men’s steps. Hard heels clipping on the tiled floor outside.

I don't know why but my heart freezes, the steps get closer to my stall, but not so close I can actually see them under the gap in the door.

An eternity passes in silence, making me wonder if there’s anyone there at all before I hear the bathroom door swinging open and closed more violently.

My heart in my throat by now and in one way lucky I’m sitting on a toilet.

If I was gonna literally shit myself, this would be the place to do it. But I’m so frightened it feels like every part of me is clamping shut.

My pulse thumping in my ears so hard I have spots before my eyes, part of me wanting all the feelings and little ‘coincidences’ over the past few weeks to be some prank or sick joke, but no.

This is different. This all feels so different than any jock prank.

I try to swallow but my throat’s a sandbox as it dawns on me that it might not be ink.

I don’t have time to think once they’re gone, my only reflex is to run.

To go home, to leave town. To go anywhere that isn’t here anymore. This whole scholarship thing was weird from day one.

It wasn't my grades that got me into college. The scholarship is offered once a year to students recently released from state care. I was always a little slow in grade school, so was held back a few years.

Not exactly a prime candidate for a college scholarship, but it was supposed to be fully funded and it is-Wassupposed to be a place to live as well.

But having to pay for my own apartment is the least of my problems right now. This creepy stalker business is getting way outta hand and I don’t like it.

The past few weeks’ worth of feelings hit me like a wave from behind, pushing me forward like a torrent.

Cresting into a foaming break before I run slap bang into Professor Valentine.

My newest hero and favorite member of the faculty on any day, but today? Right now, I need him more than ever. I’ve never been so relieved to see anyone.

If there is some creep following me, having a guy the size of Professor Valentine around so suddenly is like being rescued somehow.

He grips me hard but it barely registers. There’s another flood of emotion rippling through me, confusing me when my fear is eclipsed by the sensation of Professor Valentine holding me close.

I can hear someone sobbing down the hall but when I look up into his deep brown eyes, his brow knitted with sudden urgency.

I realize its me crying. Bawling like a baby and shivering with fear.

I guess I’ve been pushing a lot of stuff down the past few weeks. I’ve tried to focus on my studies instead of those nagging feelings of being watched.

There’s even some underwear of mine missing, but I can’t say for sure…

I mean…

Oh my god, who would do such a thing? And what else do they wanna do to me? Following me to the ladies is about as psycho as it gets, isn’t it?

Sensing the state I’m in, Professor Valentine wastes no time in ushering me to the side entrance to the lecture hall which houses his office. His strong arm around me almost making me feel like I’m being carried off by a bear or some wild animal.

But he’s the one person I’d trust on any day, but right now more than ever. He just feels so… safe.

He’s quick to set me down, even pressing my shoulders to make me sit before he moves slowly to his own chair behind a desk that’s regular size but one he makes look like the kids table at a thanksgiving dinner.

Everything set up just like it is for the grown ups, except in miniature compared to his massive frame.

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