Page 3 of Facing Daemon

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Lana and I go way back. We’ve known each other for years. Mostly because we share a kid together, but more than that we’re friends. Before I got Lana pregnant, the two of us would have fun together with a third woman involved. Since she’s bi-sexual and rather takes to women more than men it’s always worked out. But then she found out that I knocked her up. We talked and together we’ve raised our son without any hostility between us. She does her thing and I do mine. It works out great. Sure, I wish I had my kid with me every day, but Lana and I rotate weeks on who has him.

“Because you’re a worrier, Daemon. I swear I’m fine. Now go enjoy the day and don’t worry about me.”

She doesn’t give me a chance to question her further and hangs up. The woman can be insufferable when she wants to be.Pulling my phone from my ear, I mutter a curse and shove it in my front pocket. I’ll get to the bottom of things with her soon enough.

Glancing around the main room of the clubhouse as I step from the mouth of the hall, I spot the ol’ ladies all gathered together and talking with their men. With them is their friend Josephine. The look on the women’s faces has me going on alert.

“She’s avoiding us, and I don’t like it,” Ivy says just as I step up to the group.

“What’s going on?” I ask, getting all their attention.

“We’re just talking about Everleigh.” Isabelle starts.

“And the fact she’s not taking our calls.” Sutton finishes.

“Don’t ya think y’all might be overreacting?” Tombstone asks.

“Do you think Ivy overreacted when she showed up at the house that time?” Sutton demands spinning to face off with Tombstone.

“No, but this is different.”

“How so?”

“Look,” Josephine interrupts them all and steps forward. “We know Everleigh better than anyone else.”

“No offense Jo,” Reaper says, using the shorter name my brothers and I’ve gotten used to calling her. “I would’ve thought the same of Juniper, but she turned out to be a psycho bitch who was pissed she didn’t get her way. I’m too hyped about jumping in on finding Everleigh.

“Someone want to clue me in on what’s up with her?” I don’t bother keeping the harshness out of my voice. When it comes to Everleigh, I’m not sure about what I want to think. The woman runs hot and cold with me whenever she’s around. The last time I saw her though was the night Stella had the baby. She’s all but vanished and that doesn’t sit well with me. Not after her and I had that heated conversation earlier that day.

* * *

“We have to stop doing this,” Everleigh whispers, her breath brushing along my chest, those delicate fingers trailing along the dusting of chest hair.

“Stop what?”

“This,” she answers, lifting her head to meet my gaze.

For the past couple of months this is what we’ve done and each time since the first she’s said the same thing. Still, she always ends up in my bed.

“Why? What we have is good.” It’s the truth and she knows it. I’ve told her that more times than I can count. I want her to be mine and I’ve made it clear to her.

Instead of answering my question, she shakes her head and climbs out of my bed.

“What are you doing?” I demand as she starts getting dressed. I follow suit and pull on a pair of shorts that lay low on my waist. “Why aren’t you answering me?”

“Because you already know the answer to what you want to know. I can’t. It’s simple as that. We can’t do this anymore.”

“You say that, but still, it doesn’t stop you from jumping my dick.” Anger boils in my veins and I grind my teeth together to keep it in check. Unfortunately, it stills seeps through.

Everleigh gives me a look I’ve not seen her give anyone before. I want to find out but at the same time, I’m done with this shit.

“You know what? You’re right, baby, we need to stop this shit. Next time you need a fix don’t come looking for me. I ain’t got time for it.”

“Daemon,” she murmurs but stops herself from saying more as she turns her back to me and finishes dressing.

I don’t say another word as I glare at her, not knowing what the hell to do with her. I don’t have time for drama in my life, but Everleigh isn’t like anyone else. She’s unique and beautiful.

Without a word, Everleigh gathers her things and starts for the door. I follow with my eyes only, refusing to give in to the need to snatch her up and fuck her until she finally admits she’s mine.
