Page 41 of Hate Games

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I make my way over to the table where a group of people are laughing. The fucker looks at me and taps Ash. She beams when she lays eyes on me. “Ryder.” She stands and wraps her arm around me, placing a quick kiss on my lips. “This is Ryder, everyone.”

“Nice to meet you,” a perky blonde says, her eyes roaming over me.

“Yeah,” Asshole says, standing. “It’s good to put a face to the name. I’m Will James.” I wish I could say the same, but I haven’t heard a word about this fucker.

I take the hand he extends to me, squeezing it a little harder than I should. After introductions, I settle down next to Ash and order a beer.

“So, you’re the artist,” Eve—perky blonde—says. “Ash took me to see some of your work. It’s impressive. With your father being Coben Rothwell, I’d have expected a business tycoon.”

“I’ve made it my business to be nothing anyone expects,” I throw her a wink. My arm wraps around Ash pulling her closer and I can’t help but love the flush that creeps up her neck and face visible even in this lighting.

“Has Ash told you she’s our rising star,” Todd, another of her colleagues, says.

“Oh, yeah?”

“Stop. It hasn’t even been confirmed as yet,” Ash waves it off, but the glint in her eye tells me it’s something she’s proud of.

“She’s the only intern to be selected for it,” Will pipes in. “She gets to take an all-expense paid trip to the big five publishers over summer. Almost every Jnr Acquisitions Editor we’ve had, has been offered a permanent job.”

I downed my beer and took two shots of tequila. Alcohol is never the answer, but if I’m gonna sit here and not smash that fuckers face, I need some liquid incentive.

“Come on, it’s not like I’m gonna be selected. Besides, I’m still in college.”

“Baby, that’s brilliant. I’m surprised you said nothing.” I tug her close and place a hard kiss on her lips.

“I wanted to actually have news to tell,” she says shyly.

“Is anyone going to take me out onto the dance floor?” Eve asks, and Todd quickly agrees.

When they leave, I stand, reaching for Ash’s hand. “Shall we?” She looks uneasy but takes mine.

Her body stiffens when I wrap my arms around her possessively.

“If your boss isn’t careful where he looks, he’s gonna walk out of here without at least one those eyes.”

“Ryder!” She hisses and I pull her flush against me.

My lips crash with hers and instead of resistance, she kisses me back eagerly. I invade her mouth with my tongue, my hands trailing down her back and onto her ass. She lets out a moan when she feels my erection press against her stomach.

My eyes meet the fucker’s across the room. He’s watching with that same smug expression.

She’s mine, you fuck!

“Fun’s over kitten. We either leave now, or I take you into that restroom and fuck you hard enough for your boss to hear.”

“I’m gonna go with option one,” she smiles up at me.

We bid farewell to her team, and I can’t get her home fast enough.



Taking my hand, Ryder leads me to his bedroom. The décor has changed a bit since the last time I was here. He pushes me onto the bed gently, his eyes never leaving mine. Storm clouds have gathered in those gray orbs, and I’m afraid of getting lost in them.

“I have rules, Ash. Number One, no man will ever look at you how that fucker did tonight. That’s reserved for me.”

“Ryder.” I groan.
