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“Maybe it’s some kind of women’s intuition? Maybe some part of you knows that you need to be married soon—for some reason?”

Molly laughed. “Yeah, I’m not buying that. What reason could there be to rush it? The only reason to get married is because you’re both ready and you both want to.”

Chelsea nodded. “I guess. Maybe it’s just your subconscious wanting you to hurry the fuck up. You took so long, you’re on the final leg, now you just want to get there.”

“Yeah. That’s probably it.”

~ ~ ~

Marcos hung up the phone and smiled to himself. Everything was working out well. Ken had presented his, admittedly lowball, offer on the Hardy place, and the sellers had accepted. He was surprised, but pleasantly so. Ken thought the sellers had been expecting the property to sit on the market for at least a few months, so an early offer, even if it was under the asking price, was better than they’d hoped.

Marcos had talked to Grant and Chelsea about his ideas, but they hadn’t made any firm agreements yet. That was fine. He didn’t need to sell Dawson Dale to them—it had produced good grapes in its day, too. He wouldn’t mind keeping it if he had to. He hoped that everything would work out, though. He wanted to see Chelsea and Grant settled into Grant’s family home. He wanted to set up their little cooperative and produce great wines. Everything was falling into place.

Now that the winery deal was in the works, he was ready to take care of the most important detail of his life. He wanted to ask Molly to marry him, but he needed to lay the groundwork first. He picked up the phone and then put it down again. Was this a conversation he wanted to have over the phone? He shook his head. No. It was one he needed to have in person.

In Sicily, he’d been used to having the family jet at his disposal. That wasn’t an option here. He might talk to Antonio about it—see if he wanted to share a lease on a small jet. For now, his only option was to call Cameron and see if he could use Hamilton-Grove’s plane.

“Hey, Marcos.” Cameron answered on the second ring.

“Hey, Cam. How are you?”

Cameron laughed. “A little worried about having some major new competition.”

“I hope you’re not talking about me. I’m just going to do some hobby farming.”

“Yeah, right. The Hardy estate is no hobby farm, and we both know it. I’ve had my eye on that place for years. How did you get the jump on me?”

“Seriously? I had no idea you were interested. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be. I’m glad you’re the one who bought it. I can’t wait to see what you produce.”

“I’m not looking to go big time. I was joking about hobby farming, but I’m not looking to get into any major production either.”

“Well, if you end up with any surplus you want to sell come the harvest …”

Marcos nodded. “That might not be a bad idea. We can talk about it closer to the time—if I manage to get a harvest. I’ve been out of the game for a while.”

Cameron laughed. “We both know you’ll do well enough to put most growers around here to shame. Anyway, sorry, what were you calling about?”

“Actually, I wanted to ask if I can rent your jet.”

“Hmm, when and for how long? It tends to stay busy.”

“I know. It’s a long shot. I should probably just get over myself and fly commercial, but …”

“Or just buy yourself a smaller executive jet.”

“I’m considering that, but it’s not going to be any use for getting me to Phoenix in the next couple days.”

“Phoenix? When do you want to go and how long do you need to stay? I have a meeting there the day after tomorrow, but I’m not planning on staying overnight.”

“That would be perfect. Can I tag along?”

“Of course. I’ll look forward to it. We haven’t had much of a chance to catch up.”

“We haven’t, and I might need to ask for your advice.”

“About …?”
