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Chapter Twelve

Charity clung to Ethan’s shoulders as his mouth came to hers in a most thoroughly exquisite yet gentle kiss. She moaned softly, captivated by the sensations evoked by his featherlight contact against her lips, his breath mingling with hers.

“I am not letting you go back to your room tonight, Charity,” he murmured against her lips. “But I am giving you a chance to run.”

“Again,” she said, nipping at his lower lip. “I am not running from you.”

“In the event you mistake my intention, in a few minutes, you will be sheathed deeply onto my cock and sobbing with pleasure.”

“Good heavens,” she gasped, pleasure piercing her low in her belly at that provocative promise. A tingle of awareness spread, becoming a rush of heat that made her breasts tingle. Charity kissed him, unable to stop the need pouring through her like molten lava. He gripped the bottom of her nightgown and dragged it up, revealing the curvatures of her thighs. He caressed her there, moving up to the throbbing heart of her. She moaned into his kiss, but he did not break it, slanting his head to take their embrace even deeper.

His touch arrested all of her senses, and all she could feel was Ethan. Locked in his exciting embrace, she felt herself a part of another world where pleasure was an exhilarating thrill, it was heady, and it was Ethan. An unbearable eagerness seized her.

He twisted with her, pressing her back against the firm mattress and blanketing her body with his. Ethan kissed her until she was breathless with want and desperate to feel his body on hers. With a jolt, Charity realized he was naked beneath the sheets, having been so caught up in her worry earlier she had not realized it.

Now she could feel the heat and power of him. The weight of his manhood pressed into her thigh, the heft and size of his virility causing a flutter of alarm. He broke their kiss, and with skilled deftness, Ethan whisked the nightgown off her head and tossed it onto the floor.

Charity froze at the look of awe on his face and fought with the urge to cover her body with her hands. Or to grab the thick coverlet to cover her nakedness.

He eased her down on the bed and simply stared. “Please, do not hide from me. Let me see you,” Ethan murmured as if sensing her sudden attack of nerves.

She lay against the lush pillows, peering up at his face, which was a picture of harsh sensuality.

He used a single finger to trace the pulse fluttering at her neck to the valley between her breasts. “I have never seen anything as perfect as you are.”

His stare felt like flames licking at her flesh. His strong fingers molded and shaped her breasts before he dipped his head to suck a nipple into his mouth.

“Ethan,” she cried at the delicious sensation.

He touched her all over, stroking her to a feverish pitch. His fingers slid down between their bodies to her aching sex. He used his fingers to stroke her urgently, parting her. When he touched her flesh, she cried out at the startling sensation.He did it again, a long glide from her damp entrance to her clitoris. Her body almost bowed as sensation shot through her.

Need coiled painfully low in her belly when he rubbed his fingers over her quim, drawling forth shocking wetness. Wetness that he liked, for he groaned and kissed her with ravishing urgency. His honeyed taste flooded her senses, intoxicating her with lust. One long finger penetrated her body, and she froze at the wicked strangeness of it.

Oh, God.

That finger moved, and it felt like lightning darted through her. A second finger joined the first, and for a wild moment, Charity thought she would fly apart, especially when his thumb found the small, swollen bud between her legs and began to tease it with his fingers, rubbed and pressed. The pressure and pleasure against her clitoris were striking. Charity never dreamed this pleasure existed. She shivered and twisted under his sensual assault, aware of how mortifyingly wet she grew.

He nudged her thighs apart with his and came over her. She brought her arms up around his shoulders and held him tightly. Something hard and heated pressed against her opening, and she moved against him with restless hunger. She widened her legs at his muttered urging and arched her hips toward his. There was a push, a harsh burning sensation, and then a heaviness invaded her body.

The pain was sharp, shocking, and not at all what she expected. The delight dimmed, and she squirmed beneath his weight. Her lover murmured soothing nonsense before taking her mouth in another tender kiss.

He moved slightly, and she whimpered.

“Easy,” he said, “the pain shall soon pass.”

“How do you know it? This has happened to you before?”

Their eyes met at that tart reply. His eyes were alight with wicked laughter, and she started to giggle, unknotting the tension that had mounted inside of her. They kissed, and this time it felt different, more sensual and loving than raw with passion. Ethan started to move with her, a slow glide backward and another deeper but exquisite glide forward. The pain had eased, and with each thrust came a bite of pleasure that added to the tightening coil low in her belly. A long, low moan broke from her lips at the exquisite pressure. It seemed to go on forever, slow, easy thrusts that had her climbing higher and higher towards bliss. The coil in her belly shattered, and Charity cried out as pleasure cascaded over her senses. Yet Ethan did not stop moving, only increasing the depth and fastness of his thrusts. The pleasure burned hotter, and she coasted her fingers over his shoulders and powerful back muscles as his loving grew fierce and untamed. He buried his face in her neck and rode her long and hard, bringing her to climax twice more before releasing deep inside her body with a groan.

A few hours later,Charity stared at Ethan while he slept. She was ruined, delightfully and thoroughly ruined, and she felt no regrets in her heart, only a sated satisfaction. After that first bout of fierce loving, they had lain in each other’s arm in perfect silence, content to listen to the rain as it fell outside in earnest. Ethan had slipped from the bed and opened the windows and the drapes so they could be closer to the rain and the rustling of the wind and trees. He had gently cleaned her before coming back into the bed and simply holding her close.

She could not say what had woken her, but a sleepy clock at the mantle had shown it to be five in the morning. Charity eased from beneath his arms, wincing at the soreness in her body. Picking up her nightgown from the carpeted ground, she hurriedly slipped it on over her head. A quick peek at Ethan showed that he still slept. He was beautiful in repose, soft and unguarded. She was tempted to reach out and gently smooth out the lines around his eyes but did not want to wake him. Instead, she carefully left his chambers and made her way to the guest wing, conscious that the servants should soon be up and about.

Once in her chamber, she slipped under the covers and drew it to her chin and went to sleep with a smile on her face and unguarded happiness inside her heart.

* * *

The storm had passed sometimethroughout the night, and today the sun shone brightly, and birds chirped and warbled. Ethan strolled about the eastern section of the lawns with his mother and aunt while the footmen set up their lawn chairs and umbrellas. After a few days indoors, everyone was excited to picnic outside today.
