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Michael shrugged. “I did mean to properly entertain her during her visit.”

“You’ve been a gracious host,” Joseph agreed. “I am a bit surprised by how much attention you’ve shown her, given the engagement is a charade. Or, has something changed in that regard?”

Finding himself growing defensive, Michael sat back in his chair, abandoning the ledger in front of him. He watched Joseph for a moment, trying to understand his curiosity.

“At first I just wanted to help her and her sisters,” Michael said. “I was angry with her lie, but after seeing how much it helped her family during the Assembly, I thought she had way more to gain than I did to lose. This visit for her was just to help her achieve that goal.”

“But you could have shut her in her room for two weeks with little other civility.”

“Yes, but I’ve found that I truly enjoy her company,” he answered, shaking his head. “I can’t explain it.”

“If it were anyone else, I certainly could explain it,” Joseph said wryly.

Michael cocked an eyebrow at him questioningly.

“I’d say you were love struck.”

“Are you saying I’m incapable of love?” he asked, taken aback.

Holding up his hands, Joseph shook his head. “No, no. You are not your father. You are exceedingly good hearted and kind. Yet, you have been very frivolous with your attentions to women, flitting from one to another.”

“You know why.”

“Yes, I do,” Joseph agreed. “Your promise has not changed, then?”

“That’s the trouble,” Michael agreed. “My commitment to never marry, never father children, has not changed. Therefore, no matter how much I might enjoy Lady Lydia’s company, I cannot marry her.”

“Any idea how the lady herself feels?”

“I think she feels similarly,” Michael guessed, trying to hold back a smile, thinking of what he had shared with Lydia before. “Which is another issue. She must marry by the end of the Season. Her family is counting on it.”

“Have you thought about how you might help her find a suitable match?” Joseph asked. “She is the daughter of a viscount, she could do well above her station, too, with her looks and charm.”

“So, you admit that she is charming now, after you get to meet her?”

Joseph laughed. “Indeed, I judged her incorrectly. Perhaps it is how she’s grown over the years, or your attention, but she is quite an intriguing girl. We’ve had the most interesting conversations over books in the library.”

Surprised, Michael cocked his head. Hearing Lydia sharing private moments with Joseph should not have made him jealous. He knew that they did not share all their time together, yet somehow, he had wished that they would.

“What did you two discuss?” he asked.

“The lady is an avid reader,” Joseph relayed nonchalant. “Apparently, she has gone down to the library a few mornings before breakfast to read.”

“Hmm,” Michael muttered.

“Regarding suitors, though, what about the Earl of Derby?”

“Good heavens, he’s nearly twice her age,” Michael gasped, shocked at the recommendation.

“It’s not unheard of,” Joseph argued. “Besides, he’s got a substantial fortune, which would be very attractive to her uncle, the current viscount.”

“No, no,” Michael shook his head. “I could not do that to her. Someone more her age, suitable for her temperament.”

“Mr. James Mowbray,” Joseph suggested.

“The illegitimate son of the Duke of Devonshire?”

“The one. He’s come quite a way in politics, as of late. He’s wealthy and powerful.”
