Page 38 of Please Daddy

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Suddenly, I hear her voice, floating out toward me from the darkness. ‘Finn, is that you?’

Fuck fuck fuck!

Has she seen me?

‘Uh, yeah, darlin’, it’s me,’ I call.

She’s still in her room. Thank fuck for that. I close the fridge. Stand there in the darkness, hiding my raging hard-on.

‘I thought I heard moaning. Everything okay out there?’

Shit. I hadn’t realized I was making a noise.

‘Oh, everything’s fine and dandy, darlin’,’ I say. ‘Stubbed my toe is all.’

I wait a few moments, lurking in the shadows, making sure she’s not about to appear out of nowhere, but she stays put, thank fuck.

I climb up the ladder, back to my bed, and force myself, in spite of my stiff, aching cock, to keep my arms by my sides and close my eyes.

Time to go to sleep now. Got to get that girl out of my mind. For a few damn hours at least.



I screw my eyes tight shut, aware of the bright light streaming through the window. Gosh, what time is it?

I stretch and then I remember. I’m here. In the forest. I’m injured. Finn’s a Big.


Luckily, I slept well, apart from waking up once when I heard moaning and groaning in the kitchen. I called out, thinking the private detective was back, or maybe Chris had broken in, but Finn reassured me it was nothing.

He’s a good guy. In spite of it all.

The fact that he’s my husband, I must admit, is weirdlyexcitingto me — as well as being shocking and deceitful. I mean, I know it’s only pretend, but I find myself daydreaming about what it would be like toreallyhave someone like that as my husband. Someone to fight for me, to carry me, to make me breakfast in the morning. It’s enough to make a girl all tingly…

Plus there’s the fact that he knows all about age play. I mean, honestly, what are the chances? It’s like a fairy tale — no — it’s like the plot from some romance novel.

I bet he’s a demanding Daddy. I bet he knows exactly what he wants, and how to get it. I bet he’s stern too.

Mmmmm, yummy thoughts. Naughty ones, but yummy, nonetheless.

I give Mr. Squishy a kiss, then I swing my legs over the edge of the bed and test out my ankle on the floor. I was worried I wouldn’t be able to take any weight on it, but actually, it’s okay, as long as I’m gentle.

My hand is still bandaged, but the wound feels like a little less raw, and I can tell, when I slide my tongue over my lip, that the cut has long stopped bleeding.

So. I’m on the mend.

Might even be well enough to leave today.

There’d be no harm in waiting a little longer, though, would there? Just to be sure. I mean, where exactly would I be going, anyway? And now that I know what I know about Chris… I’m not sure I want to be on my own.

The stuff Finn told me last night was a shock. It would have been surprising enough just to find out about Finn, but everything else…

If I hadn’t seen that private detective with my own eyes, I’m not sure I would have believed him. It’s a relief to be here with a guy like Finn. Someone who’s got my best interests at heart. Who’s not obsessive and jealous, or just trying to get in my diaper.

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