Page 22 of Daddy Commands

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‘Wait, honey, I—’

But she was already gone. Running away, just like always.

Her heart might never stop pounding.

Twenty-six years of wondering what a kiss might feel like. She thought back to the hours she’d spent as a teenager kissing her own arm. She used to do it with varying pressure, intensity, and moisture levels, trying to imagine what the feeling of lips might be like upon her own.

Nothing could have prepared her for what she’d experienced with Wolf. The drama of it, the wildness. But most of all, the feeling he’d woken between her legs, that hot little ache that so desperately wanted to be filled.

And now she was running.

She knew why, of course. Wolf was exactly the thing that had ruined her life. And now the thing that had ruined her beloved Teddy. Wolf was a biker. It was like there was a physical barrier that went up when she imagined herself with someone like that, and it made her feel so bad about herself that she just couldn’t cope.

Anyway, there wasn’t any point worrying about any of that anymore. She’d obliterated any connection she might have had with Wolf by abandoning him — not once, but twice.

Sophia sighed as she stepped out into the sunlight. But before she could finish the breath, she stopped dead still.

‘What the…?’

In the alley were two men dressed in biker gear, smoking. She couldn’t get a good look at them, but she saw their two big, black motorcycles parked up against the wall. The men, thankfully, weren’t looking in her direction — they had their backs to her, and they watched the entrance to the alley as though they were expecting something.

One of them was leaned against the corner, a sledgehammer in his hands. He was ready to strike.

Oh no.

It wasthem. Hank and his friend.

Were they waiting for her? No — they didn’t know she was there, didn’t know the secret passage was there. They must have been waiting for Wolf. They must have been waiting tohurtWolf.

Suddenly, she knew what their plan was. They were going to wait to hear the sound of his bike, jump out, and knock him from it with that hammer.

Don’t move, don’t make a noise.

What could she do? She had to do something, or they’d get him when he came out. She winced as she imagined what that huge hammer could do to Wolf’s pretty face.

But if she made a noise to warn him, they’d know she was there.

Calculations buzzed through her mind. She tried to weigh up the risks of Hank recognizing her, what he might do to her, against what he woulddefinitelydo to Wolf. Then, just when she thought she wasn’t brave enough to do anything but hide, her mouth — once again — made the decision for her.

‘’Scuse me folks, I’m lost.’ She said it in her smallest voice. She didn’t know what her plan was, or even if she had one, but she knew she had to do something.

The two men turned to look at her and she saw Hank’s eyes narrowing.

‘Who are…?’ he started, before drifting off.

‘I think I know where you’re going to, precious,’ said the other biker, licking his lips.

‘Holy fuck,’ Hank said.

‘I saw her first,’ the other biker said.

‘Don’t even think about it,’ Groat snapped. He took out a comb and dragged it through his greasy hair. ‘She belongs to me.’

‘S-sorry, do I know you?’ Sophia said, feigning ignorance.

‘Youdo.’ Hank stepped forward. Sophia glanced behind her, hoping to see Wolf riding past. ‘But not as well as you’re gonna know me… Sophia.’

She gulped. ‘I think you must have made a mistake.’

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