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Price to Pay

“THIS IS BULLSHIT. Fucking bullshit,” I mutter, slapping my palms on the long table. “Even if we pooled our resources, there is no way we’ll have enough. We’ll be broke, and everything will go to shit.”

Monroe stabs his knife into the old Las Vegas map, one of the few still around. Most every hotel on the Strip has been remodeled and all back-world evidence destroyed to ensure donors forget there was ever such a place where humans ruled and vampires—well, we were far and few and hid in the shadows.

I push away the thought of my mortal life. I had never expected to transform with the first wave of the Vampire Uprising. I was a medical professional and practically killing myself in the ER. It’s been too long that I can’t remember much. I just know I was attacked. When I transformed, I ran. I ended up in this very hotel before half the name was demolished along with the city’s name.

“I’ll call in every damn debt that we’re owed,” Monroe says, yanking out his knife to pierce it in again. “We’ll manage.”

Sawyer picks up the table and flips it over, sending everything flying into the air. “We need to have a backup plan. I’ll destroy every bastard who thinks they can even put in a bid for our girl.”

The click-clack of heels sounds from the elevator, and I ignore Tatum strolling in our direction with Walcott. She leans into him, whispering too lowly for my super hearing to pick up. I ignore them the same as they ignore me. We might be a crew, but we all have our own self-interests to look after. Until the leaders of La Vega allow for any vampires to officially blood bond as a coven, we’re basically living by a set of rules with none of the perks that come with a position of power. We fought hard to keep this hotel, and if we pool all our wealth, property, and donations from the donors who cohabitate the place with us, we would risk ending up in the shadows on the La Vega Strip. My brain says to chill out and think things through. Something deeper, wilder, begs me to just say fuck it all for Hayley.

“You guys still trying to figure out how to get the Queen of Cock?” Tatum asks, pursing her lips.

She cares as much as anyone about a donor, but she’s more of a “think bigger” woman. I don’t even have to be able to read her mind to know that she’ll intervene if we risk our current blood supply just for Hayley. My rationale knows it’s selfish, but I’m fucking obsessed with her, and even before I got to slide my cock between her pouty lips and fuck her like a damn starving vampire.

“Don’t even think about touching my shit,” Walcott mutters, scrubbing his hand over his face tattoo. He was fucking crazy to do something so elaborate. UV ink doesn’t heal as it would were we human. It stings, and would annoy the shit out of me on my face. Having it inked on my chest and side reminds me that I’m not truly invincible, but it also helps keep me stronger.

“Your shit’s fine. We’re figuring out another damn way. There is no way that what we have could cover more than a day.” Monroe throws his knife, stabbing Walcott in the chest. “So shut the fuck up and help me determine who we can work with to get close to any competition on the Strip. We have Pala handled. I think we only need to worry about Ri, Astor, and possibly the Etia.”

I’m sure there are others he missed, but those assholes at those towers will purposefully screw with us as leading covens. We need allies and fast. I’ll do whatever it takes to secure some arrangements.

“All right, bastards. I think we should hit up the Bay and Lux. I know you don’t want to hear this shit, but you can probably negotiate her safety while she’s in their care. No fucking, kissing, manhandling, whatever, but let them have her blood for that time.” Walcott tenses, steeling himself toward our growls. Even the thought of someone else sinking their fangs into Hayley makes me want to join Sawyer on a dick cutting spree.

“He has a point,” Tatum says, shifting to stand in front of Walcott. I glower at her and wait until she gives me some dumbass reason why I should listen. “Hayley is used to feeding assholes. It wouldn’t be as traumatic as her ending up with a fucker who will spend the day raping and draining her over and over again. That would kill me. You guys need to get over your fucking possession and consider a compromise for the best possible outcome.”

I grumble and kick the table, sending it skidding across the tiles. “I fucking hate when you’re right, Tate. It makes me want to trash your cock collection and make it rain severed dicks across the Strip.”

“I still don’t like it,” Monroe mutters, flipping another knife in his hand. The guy carries enough weapons to arm at least ten people at all times.

“You don’t have to like it, but you can live with it. I bet you a fucking dick tattoo on your ass that Hayley would agree with me.” Tatum traces the air, drawing an invisible cock with her finger.

Monroe shakes his head and glares. “The bet doesn’t work when you already have one, Tate. Maybe if it was a third tit or something.”

Sawyer whacks Monroe. Straightening his back, he stands tall, towering over all of us. “No bets. Just get ahold of your damn contacts. Take Knox with you and cut a deal. I’ll handle everything here.”

I sigh and crack my knuckles, trying to keep my cool. I know it’s the right thing to do, but another part of me still wants to selfishly figure out a way to get Hayley and keep her as ours.

“Load up, Knox.” Monroe hands me a gun. “There is a price for entry to get within reach of these mother fuckers.”

I groan. “How many fangs?”

He shrugs. “Ten to be safe. Maybe a head.”

Fucking great. Really fucking great.


“Son of a bitch!” Monroe shouts and yanks the head of the snarling vampire back, shoving the barrel of his gun into his mouth. A bullet will only slow him down unless he shoots enough to blow his head off, but that’s not what we want...yet. “If you bite me again, I’ll take both damn fangs.”

The vampire struggles, gnashing his teeth against the barrel. He couldn’t speak if he wanted to with the gun shoved so far in his mouth that I wonder how often he deep throats one of the other ten assholes of this piece of shit group too powerless to even call a crew. It’s not that I care, but it’s annoying as fuck that he doesn’t choke yet, continuing to fight.

“Damn it. I need help,” Monroe says, trying to hook his pliers to one of the bastard’s fangs. “This shithead isn’t giving up. He’s about to swallow my gun.”

Yanking fangs, severing limbs, and chopping off heads isn’t really my thing, and I usually leave it up to Monroe and Sawyer unless I have to. I know Monroe is fucking twisted, getting kicks out of putting dickholes in their places and taking out his anger on anyone who he thinks deserves a good ass kicking.

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