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Guests gasp at the sight.

Alexander finally realizes that the whole casino watches and that he isn’t on some plane above them all like he pretends, and it’s enough to make him shout into his com device and snap his fangs at some of the donor staff.

“Everyone out of my casino!” Alexander yells, grabbing a glass of blood from one of the guests and shattering it on the floor. “Get the fuck out! We’re closing for an hour.”

I blink my eyes, clutching onto Monroe while keeping my gaze trained on Alexander. Dozens of people flood around us, trying to escape before Alexander attacks them. Being in the casino is more of a privilege according to Alexander. It’s somewhere to be that isn’t on the Strip.

Sawyer swears under his breath again as the two of them blur in a fight and donors screech and run. Security floods the casino floor and starts ushering guests out. It’s not the first time for this to happen. The security knows when something happens that can jeopardize business that it’s their duty to get the guests out.

“Time to fucking fly,” Monroe says, racing forward.

Too many people get up and rush toward the exit. It’s impossible to get out as quickly as we need. The crowd swarms the entrance and guards take visual checks of everyone, ensuring no one takes advantage of the situation and tries to leave with one of the donor staff members.

“Clear a path. I don’t fucking care who you hurt. We’re getting out of here,” Monroe mutters, calling into his com device.

Walcott’s voice echoes through the line. “You got it. Incoming.”

The world blurs as Monroe suddenly relocates me, backing against a wall and out of the way of the anxious and annoyed crowd as the fighting persists between Opal and Alexander. I stretch my neck, keeping my eyes trained on them. A part of me fears that he’ll kill her. If that happens, the performers will be dead. He will murder them in a rage.

Gunfire pops through the air, and vampires scream and push harder against each other, trying to exit the casino. Sawyer and Knox stand in front of me and Monroe protectively. I dig my fingers into Monroe’s shoulders, my body trembling at the gun fire and madness within the sea of angry vampires.

It’s enough to draw Alexander’s attention away from Opal. Swinging her fist, she punches him in the jaw and knocks his feet out from under him.

“Fuck, we can take him out. We can do it now.” Sawyer mutters the words, watching as Opal overpowers Alexander.

“I’ll redirect the crew.” Monroe snaps a command into his com device, demanding that all available guys hit Alexander hard.

I gasp a breath, watching as some of the Bella Crew members push through the crowd and race to Alexander and Opal at vampire speed. I can’t believe it’s happening. I can’t believe they’re going to try and take him out now.

“Get Hayley out of here. I’ll catch up.” Monroe hands me over to Knox, and I just grip him in silence.

I don’t think I could speak if I wanted to. I can’t even truly think anything apart from Alexander’s death. I never imagined it would come.

Alexander snarls and spins, flashing his fangs as bullets rip through his pristine suit and ravage his chest. He doesn’t go down like I expect. He takes round after round, clenching his jaw and fighting through the pain. Opal cowers and scrambles out of the way, disappearing within the slot machines to protect herself.

“Is that all you have, you fuckers?” Alexander shouts, raising his hands into the air like the cruel, psychotic bastard he is.

“Fuck, he’s strong,” Knox says, tightening his arms around me.

The crowd thins and Knox pushes through. We’re only a dozen feet from the shaded entrance vampires refuse to move away from because of the last rays of the setting sun. A fan blows my wig all over the place, and I clutch it with my hand, keeping it in place because I was in too much of a rush to pin it.

Alexander’s booming yell cuts through the casino, and I whip my attention away from the door and back to him. I suck in a breath, my stomach heaving. He swings a severed head above him and chucks it at the wall above us. Blood splatters and peppers over us.

“I’ll destroy all of you fuckers!” Alexander shouts. “Just test me. You better take my head and scatter my remains, because this will be a war you can’t win.”

“You fucker!” Sawyer shouts, jumping from the crowd and toward Alexander. The two of them blur in a fight, punching and stabbing and biting each other.

My eyes can’t even keep up with the madness of it all, but fear clenches my chest. Alexander looks invincible in this moment. No matter how many guys try to attack him, he just keeps going.

“Hayley!” he shouts, his booming voice sending panic crashing through me. “I will kill everyone you ever loved if you don’t call them back. I know this is your doing!”

“Ignore him. He’s lying.” Knox adjusts me in his arms.

But what if he’s not?

“My guests, no one leaves! Take the heads of everyone by the doors. Serve me well and I’ll give you access to all my dolls!” Alexander shouts the words, slashing his knife across Sawyer’s chest in the process.

My eyes widen at his words, and several of the vampires fighting to get out hesitate. Whipping around, a guy at the front punches another guy, sending him back. The mad dash to leave turns into a scary-ass fight, and Knox has no choice but to fall back and get out of the way as someone loses an arm.
