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“Say something,” he ordered, appearing in front of her.

“Mmmph,” she managed.

He smiled. “Good girl.” He pointed to the floor. “On your knees.”

Hesitantly, Dahlia lowered herself to the floor. Hayden crouched beside her and opened the cage’s door. “In you go,” he said briskly.

Heart hammering, Dahlia crawled inside. There was just space for her to fit, her forehead nearly touching the bars on one side, the soles of her feet against the other. She was forced to crouch down so her head wouldn’t bang the cage ceiling. At least there was a thick pad on its floor.

As the door clicked closed behind her, an icicle of fear shivered down her spine. Drool was pooling in her mouth but she was unable to swallow. How long was he going to leave her like this? Why hadn’t she asked more questions before agreeing to this?

Calm down, she attempted to soothe herself. This is Hayden. You trust him. Just because something is scary, doesn’t make it bad. You wanted this genuine experience. So far, it’s been the adventure of a lifetime. Don’t back down now. Go with the flow. Trust your Dom to keep you safe.

“Christ, you look amazing like that, slave.” Hayden appeared in front of her, his erect cock in his hand. “I think I’m going to have to fuck you.”

Oh, phew. He was going to let her out. The drool was already dripping to the mat. She was ready for him to take the damn thing off. No speaking without permission. No sneaking out of bed. No stealing orgasms. She got it. Lesson learned.

But instead of letting her out, Hayden moved from her line of sight. She heard him behind her and then felt his hands on her hips, gently but forcibly pulling her back until her ass was flush with the bars. Then she felt the nudge of his cock at her sex.

She moaned involuntarily as his cock eased inside her. She was still slick from the lubricant left by the butterfly, and her cunt spasmed with pleasure as it sucked him deeper. His hands still on her hips, he moved in and out, his breath coming in short, panting puffs.

A part of her thrilled at her sexy predicament. Slave m. had nothing on her! Master Hayden was bringing her darkest, sexiest fantasies to life in a way she’d never dreamed possible. And this was no game he was playing. It was real!

Her clit pulsed in time to his thrusts, which quickly intensified until he was slamming into her. She would have fallen forward but for his tight grip on her hips.

Then, with a sudden, guttural moan, he ejaculated inside her. A moment later, he pulled away with a satisfied sigh.

Dahlia waited for him to open the cage door, to tell her to come out so he could remove the hateful gag. Instead, he appeared in front of her again and crouched down.

“I’m going to leave you now to your punishment,” he informed her. “I’ll be watching through the security cameras via my phone in case you need anything. If for any reason, you’re in genuine distress, just use your safe signal.” He held up two fingers in a V. “I’ll be back in a while to let you out, and then we’ll have a late lunch.”

“No!” she cried, alarmed. “You can’t leave me here!” Or rather, she tried to say that. What actually emerged was muffled gibberish as the drool dripped down her chin.

Hayden put a finger to his lips. “Remember, that’s what landed you in here—speaking without permission. I get it you’re not thrilled to be in the cage.” He smirked. “That’s why it’s called a punishment.”

His expression gentled as he reached through the bars. He stroked a tendril of hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear. ”Don’t worry. You’ll be fine.”

He got to his feet and smiled encouragingly at her. “Be the strong sub girl I know you to be and take your punishment with grace.”

And, with that, he left the room.

Chapter 26

Dahlia remained frozen in place for several long seconds. Had he really just left her all alone?

He’d be watching through the security cameras, she reminded herself. He would come to her should she show signs of distress. That calmed her a little.

Though, at the same time, it meant he would see if she did something like, say, unbuckled the disgusting ball gag. He hadn’t expressly said she couldn’t, but she was reasonably sure that would be breaking the rules.

At least she wasn’t bound to the cage’s bars as slave m. had been. And she supposed the ball gag was better than that horrible metal dental ratchet thing. Still, this was bad enough.

Her wrists ached. Did he honestly expect her to wait like this for who knew how long in this awkward position? She rocked back and forth on her hands and knees as she pondered what to do.

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