Page 20 of Our Turn

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“It’s beyond…” She starts, half squinting one eye. “Huge. How do you walk around with that thing?” She smiles and drops of cum leak out of the tip. I palm the crown and spread the slick pre-release around as she watches.

“It’s become harder since I met you,” I grunt, clearing my throat. “No pun intended.”

I bring her panties to my face, breathing in her scent and licking the wet spot as Nicci puts a hand over her mouth.

She looks at me like I’m God in person, looking past what others see. It’s not just my size, either. I know I’m not pretty. A face only a mother could love, or so I thought. I see lust and love in her eyes, a completely intoxicating combination.

I can’t imagine my life before her, and I can’t envision a life without her. I thank God fate intervened because I wasn’t getting the job done on my own. Thinking there was no way on this Earth a sweet beauty like her would give a thug like me a second glance.

Thank you, Jesus, I’ve been proven wrong.

So very wrong.

“I want to feel it.” Before the words leave her lips, I realize she doesn’t mean with her hand.

She climbs onto my lap, and my muscles are so taut I think they are going to snap like old rubber bands.

“Fuck.” I groan as she straddles facing me, holding herself over my cock, the skirt of her dress rising the creamy flesh of her thighs, teasing me with thoughts of the bare slit beneath. The heat from her cunt makes my erection grow an extra inch, if that’s even possible, and as I pick her up my head starts spinning.

The beast inside of me is pacing, and my throat is tight when I release my shaft and bring my hand to the back of her neck, pulling her lips to just brush mine as I speak.

“I need to know something, and I need to tell you something. First, the telling…” I search her shimmering gray eyes and see adoration there, making my heart catch. “I’m not going to fuck you here. Not like this. You are going to run that mess of a cunt up and down my cock until you cum.”

We are nose to nose, and I feel her sweet, warm breath coming faster as I finish.

“What I need to know, Precious.” I pause, poring over all the possible answers in my mind before I go on. “Have you ever…” I can’t bring myself to finish and thank fuck she finishes for me.

Her lips move against mine as she answers the unspoken question. “I’ve never done most things. I had one boyfriend, well sort of I guess.” She draws back, and I hear sadness in her words. “He moved into our apartment building. He was older.”

She reaches up to absently scratch at her neck, then leaves her fingers there, and it’s clear that this is an uncomfortable memory.

“Older,” I grunt, a fury rising in me at the thoughts going through my mad mind.

“I was eighteen, so it wasn’t like a crime or anything. He was like ten years older. I thought he liked me. I was sort of starving for attention. I didn’t really want to.” The catch in her voice sends thoughts of the worst sort of violence spinning inside me. This protective fury for her has me thinking there will be vengeance for her if I have anything to say about it.

“What else, baby?” I encourage her to go on, because as much as I don’t want to know, I need to know, and I need her to know she can tell me anything. That I am her safe place, always, from now until forever.

“I finally gave in. He just kept pressuring me, and so finally I did it.” Her eyes lower and I grip the back of her neck, letting her know I’ve got her. “The next day, when I went to talk to him, he told me he was married. His wife showed up that afternoon. He’d gotten them moved in, she was pregnant and was away visiting her family. I never said anything because, how could I? I couldn’t do that to her.”

Fucker. I want to ask his name so I can work my special sort of magic on him, but now is not the time.

When her eyes come back up, she shrugs this little shrug. “But, to be honest, it was sort of a non-event. Tab A into slot B and that was basically it. At least he wore a condom. I’ve never touched another man. And, I haven’t done most other things. Just, I’m not a virgin in the true meaning of the word, and I had to be honest about that.” The innocence I see in her face tells me, in every way that counts, she is a virgin.
