Page 93 of Scandal

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“I missed you. You look great.” I told her. She was wearing a tight pair of dark jeans and a spaghetti strap bohemian top with a denim jacket. I supposed she always had to look ready for the runway.

“Thanks, you look comfy. Can I put something on?” she gestured to my makeshift closet.

“Go for it.” I went through the bag. I guessed she wanted me to make pasta.

I started a pot of water, then I chopped up some onions and sausages. I always added pepperoni for extra flavor. By the time, I got the sauce going, the water had boiled. Ivy put on my favorite leggings and cut off tee.

“Have any ideas for the gala yet?” Ivy asked over the noise of Netflix.

“Yeah. I was thinking since it’s centered around kids it should be colorful and inviting. Something not too adult, if that makes sense. Maybe some peonies, buttercups, and begonias.”

“That already sounds so pretty.”

“Thanks. It’s just a bit nerve wracking. I mean, come tomorrow I have two days.”

I wish I had a longer notice, but things aren’t always perfect. I poured us both a glass of wine, and met her on the couch while everything cooked.

“Thanks. You’ll be okay. And at least Sasha knows you, so she won’t treat you like any other person she hired.”

“That’s true. She has always been so nice. And to think it was a chance meeting.”

I thought back.

This was the hardest day. Even my flowers can’t make me smile. Because she was in them, all over them. My mother was everything to me. And she left so soon, too soon. She loved flowers, every time w

e were together, she was planting flowers. Our garden was bigger than any other, and the most beautiful. She used to travel a lot, exploring all types of flowers. My father was a botanist, that’s how she got into it.

“Excuse me miss, are these for sale?” Were they talking to me?

I set my clippers down, and turned to face the voice. I shielded my eyes from the sun with my gloved hand. A kind woman stood in front of me, her petty coat looked like it cost more than my monthly tuition.

“Not usually.” I answered simply.

She opened up the small gate I had, and stepped inside. I used the university green room a lot, and I had never seen her. I thought I had seen everyone that comes around here.

“Are you visiting?” I asked her. She continued to look upon the flowers, her cream-colored gloves covered her delicate hands.

She looked like a business woman of some sort. Her brown hair was in a nice pin up style, her petty coat a professional shade of blue, and her slacks opened up at the bottom to a pair of heels.

“Oh, no. I was here for a meeting. I’m Sasha Hallows.” My eyes widened in shock. Could it really be her?

She was the only reason I am at this school. Her scholarship fund was paying for everything. Room, board, books, tuition. My grades earned it, but she definitely made it possible.

“Whoa, I’m one of your scholarship recipients.” I gushed. She smiled as if she knew, but that would be a little too creepy.

“How wonderful…you planted all of these?” she smiled, gesturing to my small cube of flowers.

I had pretty much everything currently in season. Dogwoods, winterberries, heathers, paperback maples, and firethorns. I was still working on getting the camellias to grow right, but they were at least budding.

“Yes, I did. I study botany here.” I took after my dad in that sense.

“That’s delightful,” her eyes strayed past me, “are those winter jasmines?” My breath froze. I couldn’t talk about winter jasmines, I could do nothing but water them every day.

“Um, yes.”

“You could sell these flowers, you know. They’re beautiful.”

“Thank you. I sell them during Valentine’s Day and Christmas, but I never did otherwise.”
