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I would do anything to make sure she slept sound and safe like this every night.

And most of all, I would do nothing to hurt her.

Chapter 25


I got in! Despite how ill prepared I thought I was for the entrance exam, I actually made it into the Vet Tech course! The results were out within three days of the exam, and I was over the moon with happiness.

I was aware of how busy Commando was. He had told me that there was a war going on between them and a rival MC, called the Black Skulls. Apart from that, he had told me very little, even though I suspected that there was some danger involved. I tried not to worry about him though, if there was anyone who could take care of himself; it was Commando.

Tonight was going to be special though. Charity was staying with Rocky over the weekend again, which meant that I had the apartment all to myself. I’d texted Commando earlier, to tell him that I wanted to make him dinner. I hadn’t properly spoken to him since that night he made me spaghetti and I was expecting him to tell me that he wouldn’t have time.

Instead, he replied -

You should know, I like cheese. Almost as much as I like fucking you. I’ll be there at nine and I’ll bring champagne to celebrate your results. Proud.

I’d blushed when I read that message, and then read it again three more times. Commando was proud of me! He had more faith in me and my abilities, than I had in myself.

So, I made mac and cheese, and some garlic bread and got dressed for the evening. In a tight navy body con dress, high black stilettos, I ironed my red hair poker straight and sleek. When I looked at myself in the mirror, I wondered if I had overdone the makeup. Silver eyeshadow, a deep plum lipstick and an hour spent getting my foundation all right…I was satisfied. I wondered what Commando would think when he saw me tonight, all dolled up for him.

I went back to check on the garlic bread in the oven, when there was a knock on the door. I nearly skipped as I rushed to the door, my heart pounding as I opened it. Alone with him again!

It wasn’t Commando on the other side, it was Blaine and he came charging in, roughly pushing me aside.

“You got company?” he thundered at me and then banged the door shut. I shrieked and tried to run past him to my cellphone on the kitchen counter, but Blaine grabbed my hair, jerking me tightly back to himself. He had knocked in a civilized way this time, I couldn’t have known it was him!

“What do you want from me?” I screamed as he held me in position, snarling at my face.

“I want my money back and I want to know who the hell you’ve got all dressed up for!” he growled, baring his teeth at me like a rabid dog. Tonight he wasn’t drunk, so alcohol wasn’t his excuse.

“I told you I don’t have your money. Just please leave me alone,” I said, speaking through tears now and Blaine held up his hand, poised for a slap across my face.

“You lying bitch. I know you’ve taken it and now you’re cheating on me!” he said and I shrieked, cowering under him, expecting his slap to land any moment on my face.

“Let her go before you regret it,” I heard Commando’s voice and saw Blaine look up towards the door.

“Kelley!” I shrieked, trying to wriggle out of Blaine’s grip, but he only tightened his fist in my hair, jerking me back towards him.

“Who the fuck are you?” Blaine hissed at Commando, as he took a few steps towards us.

“Let her go and I’ll tell you,” Commando’s voice was surprisingly calm, compared to the rage I had seen in his eyes before. I could sense Blaine’s muscles stiffening. He might have thought he was a big man when he hit me, but in reality he was a coward. And it was obvious who the stronger man in the room was.

“Is this the guy you’re cheating on me with?” spittle flew from his mouth when he turned to me again.

Commando was walking closer to us, and Blaine started backing away, his hands in my hair still. I couldn’t stop crying, being pulled back by my hair and when my eyes locked with Commando, I saw the silent fury in his eyes.

“Do you want to die tonight?” he said, in a deep threatening voice. He had backed Blaine into a corner, who was using me as a shield now.

“Back off man. This is between me and my girl,” Blaine said and I saw a devilish smile erupt on Commando’s face.

He lunged at Blaine, his hands wrapping around his neck as he pinned him to the wall. He was choking, and his grip on my hair weakened and he had no choice but to let me go. I slipped out from under Commando’s arm, my hands clapped to my mouth. Blaine’s face was beginning to bloat, turning purple in color. I could see the pumped veins on Commando’s arms while he continued to choke Blaine.

“Commando, don’t kill him!” I shrieked and he threw me a look. Then he released the pressure on Blaine’s neck, but just as Blaine started panting for breath, he punched him in the gut.

Blaine keeled over, bending as he held on to his stomach with pain. Commando tipped his face backwards with one hand, just so he could punch him in the face again. I heard the crack of Blaine’s jaw as he toppled to the floor. There was blood pouring down his nose and I stepped back in horror.

“You hurt her, you motherfucker!” Commando kicked him in the stomach again, and Blaine rolled over on the floor, still clutching his belly, the blood still dripping from his face.
