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“You got any popcorn?”

“I do.” Cooper got to his feet and a few minutes later, a hot bowl filled with the stuff was set in her lap. She didn’t notice when Stanley wormed his way onto the sofa or when Cooper dimmed all the lights. Eventually, the fire burned itself out, but she didn’t see that either.

The film was engrossing. It was as emotional and intense as the book, and by the time the final scene rolled around, Morgan gripped the edge of the blanket so tightly, her knuckles were white.

She remembered the last words of that last chapter, not only because she’d read it several times, but because they were so damn powerful.

“It’s not over. None of this is over. It’s only the beginning of the next chapter.” A pause, as Bella’s voice lowered. “I’ll wait for you to turn the page. For as long as it takes. I’ll wait for you.”

Wow. Morgan blinked, but it did no good. She wiped her sleeve along her chin, glad that the room was in darkness.

It was silent, and she thought that maybe Cooper

was asleep, but he got to his feet and turned on a lamp.

“Did you like it?” she asked softly, watching him as he grabbed her empty bowl and walked back to the kitchen.

He set the bowl into the sink and stared out the window for a few moments. “They did a good job.” He ran water into the bowl and then turned back to her. “What did you think of it?”

Morgan blew out a long, hot breath and got to her feet. She pulled the blanket along with her and wrapped it around her shoulders. She took a few steps but stopped near the island.

“I think it was as good as the book.”

His eyebrows arched, and he watched her closely. “You’ve read the book?”

She nodded. “I did. Several times.”

“You read any other Lee Holloway novels?”

She paused, a slight frown on her forehead. “I think I’ve read them all. What about you?”

Cooper shrugged. “Can’t say that I’ve actually opened one of his books and read it.”

Morgan studied him for a few seconds, liking the way the shadows swept across the planes of his face. He looked mysterious and edgy. And, Jesus, she shouldn’t be thinking that.

“You should give him a try. I think you’d like them.”

A quick smile tugged at his mouth. “You think so?”

She nodded, mouth dry. “The Dark Abyss helped me through some…” She had to work hard to swallow the lump in her throat. “Some rough times, and, uh, they’re just really good books.”

His smile slipped away. “Maybe I will.”

Was it just Morgan, or was Cooper’s voice lower and huskier than before? He took a few steps closer to her, his face intense and serious. She knew what he was thinking. Knew what he was wondering. And a chill rolled over her.

“Do you want me to put the fire back on?”

He took another step until he was in her space. When was the last time anyone had been in her space? Cooper Simon had put himself right in the center of her wheelhouse, and she didn’t care.

“I’m not cold,” she found herself saying, staring up into his face.

“But you’re shivering.” His hands moved to her shoulders.

“I know.”

Silence surrounded them. But then she heard his breath catch at the back of his throat as his fingers slowly unraveled the blanket from her shoulders. It dropped to the floor, and her heart took off. She was pretty damn sure it was beating out of her chest. How it didn’t explode was beyond her. But right now, in this moment, Morgan was under some kind of weird spell. She wanted to look away from Cooper, but she couldn’t.

Her chest rose and fell as his fingers moved to the edge of her sweater and when he tugged on her zipper, she closed her eyes. She wanted to run away or grab his hands and stop them. But she couldn’t.
