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“You’re?” Hope flared inside her. She couldn’t help it.

“I’m thinking things that I never thought possible again. Ever.” His hands slid back along her jaw and he dipped his head so that his warm breath fell against her earlobe.

“I’m thinking of the future. I’m thinking of a future with you in it.”

Startled, Abby blinked rapidly. “What are you saying?”

“I’m saying that the last month has been incredible. I’m saying that when I wake up in the morning and you’re not there I don’t like it. I’m saying that the highlight of my day is when I come to the bar and watch you work, or meet you for dinner and then we go back to my place and have lots of hot sex.”

She was breathless. There was no air inside her.

“I’m saying that watching the way your eyes shimmer when you’re about to come because I’m inside you is the hottest thing I’ve ever seen.” His mouth moved up her jawline so slowly that her toes curled by the time he made it to her lips.

And then he murmured against her.

“I’m saying that I want you to come up north to the cottage with me to celebrate Thanksgiving with my family and that when we come home…”

God, she couldn’t think straight. “What?” she whispered into his mouth.

“I want you to move in with me.”


>“So you’re heading up to Canada with Tucker?”

Abby cleaned out the lemon tray and nodded. “Yep.” It was the Tuesday night before the long weekend and the bar had been hopping. New York had seen its first snowfall and the city was coated in several inches of the white stuff. It was crisp and clear, and, for now, clean outside.

With Christmas decorations twinkling from windows and Thanksgiving two days away, most of the city was in a good mood. Heck, Abby was in a great mood. She’d be in an even better mood once they were closed up, because she was off until after the holidays.

She glanced up at her brother Mick, whose frown was as dark as the thick waves on top

of his head.

“Jesus, Mick, have you looked like that all day or did someone just now shit in your cornflakes?”

“Very funny.”

She shrugged and grabbed the lime tray.

Her roommate Lisa, slid up to the bar and sat her butt down. She was still nursing a beer, peeling the label back while she waited for Abby to finish.

“Did she tell you that she’s moving in with him?” Lisa said quietly, eyes still on the label of her beer bottle.

Abby’s head shot up, and if looks could kill, Lisa would be minus a head right now. She knew her roommate was worried that things were moving too fast between Abby and Tucker, but still, this was Abby’s decision, not Lisa’s. Besides, it’s not as if she was giving up her apartment. That would be stupid.


“Don’t start, Mick. I’m a big girl.” She narrowed her eyes as she glanced across the bar at Lisa. “And I haven’t made up my mind yet, but…”

“But,” Mick prompted.

“I’m thinking about it.”

Mick tossed his rag onto the bar. “What the hell do you see in that guy? Jesus Christ, I know he’s pretty. I know he’s filthy rich, but Abigail—“

“I hate when you call me Abigail.”

“It’s your name.”
