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Raine sighed. “Can’t I just go home?”

“If he wants you to stay, you’ll stay,” Hammer ordered.

“But don’t worry, love. We’ll be with you, too,” Liam assured.

“How are you feeling now?” the doctor inquired, pen and chart in hand.

“Much better now.” The look she sent him and Liam told Hammer how relieved and grateful she was to have them at her side.

Macen’s heart opened even wider to her. How had he ever denied a moment of her love?

“Good.” The balding, thirty-something doctor smiled. “I’ve got your test results back. Would you like to go over them privately?”

“Whatever you have to say to me, you can say to the three of us.” She reached out and clasped both their hands.

“Okay.” He took their unusual relationship in stride, like a medical professional who’d seen and done it all. Then he glanced again at her chart. “Most everything came out normal. I’ve just got a few questions. Are you having any tingling or numbness in your feet or hands?”

“No, they feel fine,” she replied as she held up her hands and wiggled her toes.

The ligature marks around her wrists from Bill’s ropes were red and chapped. Hammer couldn’t wait for the day they disappeared—as well as the wounds on her face—so he’d never have to be visually reminded of Bill Kendall or his brutality again.

“Good.” The doctor nodded. “Any floaters or sparks of light in your eyes?”

Raine shook her head.

“Do you have any discomfort in your jaw when you talk?”

“A little, but it’s going away,” she assured.

“Are you having other pain? Anything hurting more than a Tylenol can relieve?” The doctor darted a glance at the bite marks on her neck but didn’t mention them.

“My shoulders are stiff from being tied… In fact, I’m getting a little sore all over.”

The doctor nodded. “Then I’ll get you a couple of acetaminophen. I see your last period started November twenty-second, is that right?”


“Was it normal?”

“Not really. It was late and a bit short, but I was under a lot of stress.”

She sent Liam an apologetic frown. He merely squeezed her hand.

The doctor nodded. “That sometimes happens, but it’s nothing to worry about. But I don’t foresee any problems from today’s ordeal. Even so, I recommend you follow up with your OB/GYN in a week or so and have him check you out thoroughly.”

“Why?” Liam asked with an alarm that reflected Hammer’s own.

Had fucking Bill raped her after all?

The doctor ignored Liam and cocked his head at Raine. “Didn’t you know? You’re pregnant.”
