Page 18 of His Sugar Baby

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I walk through the condo, finding Grant opening the door to a tall, slim, woman in a blindingly white suit. She smiles at me with her whole face, eyes crinkling, cheeks dimpling.

“Yvette, I appreciate you coming by on short notice. This is Anne Thomas, the reason for your visit.”

She shakes my hand with a firm grip. I watch as Grant starts heading to his office. “Can I get you something? Water or coffee maybe?”

Grant stops at my question and shrugs. Yvette laughs. “I’m fine, thank you. Once we dig in I might need coffee. We’ll see how exacting Grant gets.”

His look says, I told you so before he turns back to his office. I look toward the woman who smiles again. We follow him into his office. Last night the desk had been almost buried in paper. Now there is only a small stack in the very middle.

Grant points her to a chair across from him and pulls me around to a chair he had placed beside his own. Turning to me, “I broke into your phone, found your contract, and downloaded it. I wanted everything ready to fill in the blanks based on what we have already agreed; the monthly amount due to you and so on. Yvette has a draft of it. We are going over it to make sure there isn’t anything we need to change.”

My cheeks glow. Yvette smiles reassuringly. “Please, Ms. Thomas, no need for any embarrassment. This is a business matter and will be treated as such. I’ll draw this up and have a notary come by with me later, for you both to sign. I also encourage you to seek your own counsel, as I represent Mr. Dexter. Here is what we have based on Mr. Dexter’s request. Please look it over and make changes as you see fit.”

“Thank you for the advice, but I won’t be having anyone else look at it.” I take the sixteen page document. Damn, my contract had been one page. The page

s are filled with a little more legalese for my terms and clarification, extending it to four pages. Everything I had said and the terms I considered negligible are here, unchanged. When we traveled, I got my own room and a thousand dollar a day allowance for spending. I got three months to myself total in a year, no more than two weeks in a row away from Grant.

Now I see Grant’s terms, they aren’t very different than I expected. I was to live in his home and be available in the evening. He wanted me to sleep in his bed at least four days out of the seven day week. His office was off limits during the day even though his door would be open, it was always open. If I wanted to speak with him during the day I was to text him and wait for his response. When he was at his office he wasn’t to be disturbed at all.

What surprises me are the pages about my appearance. I am to maintain my appearance as I am at the start of the contract, no dieting, no pills for weight loss, no cosmetic surgery, or cosmetic procedures, such as Botox or other face fillers. Seeing how clearly Grant likes me exactly as I am, and doesn’t want me to change a dimple on my ass has me bursting with happiness.

Then I see the end date and my happiness dims. There is also a cancellation clause if either one of us should break one of the terms of agreement. A thirty day notice was required, though, and the terms would still need to be fulfilled during the thirty days. No notice was required if there was any physical, sexual, or intentional emotional or verbal abuse. In which case, the agreement was immediately cancelled.

The part that threw me was the payment. I would be listed as an employee within his company. Which I’m happy with. I would have health and dental benefits, and taxes would be withheld, which I was also happy to have done. Except the taxes that were removed, along with the cost of the benefits, would be paid back as company stock in an employee stock ownership plan.

“What is an employee stock ownership plan?” The doorbell chimes as I look up.

“He’s late, but still perfect timing.” Grant says as he presses a button on his phone. “Alice, can you let John in please?”

“Simply, it’s where you own stock in my company. The reason why I want some of the money to go into stock, where you don’t pay taxes on it is going to be explained by John.

“John, you’re late. My lawyer, Yvette—who was on time—and Anne, my woman with whom you will be working your money magic.”

Why the hell does my entire body flood with heat to hear him call me his woman? It’s incredibly sexist, also incredibly thrilling.

Yvette stands and shakes hands with the small, rumpled man who looks vaguely reminiscent of Mr. Magoo down to his small round glasses. “I’m going to go chat with Alice and have some coffee. Let me know when you are ready for me.”

John reaches across to shake my hand and nods to Grant. “My apologies, Grant. I was in the burbs when you called. Traffic is a bitch. Hello dear, my goodness you are a pretty young thing. I can see why Grant wants to protect you. Yes, yes, money is a double sided sword at times.

“Okay, let’s see here, the notes from my secretary. Mm... fifty thousand a month. My goodness, it’s a good thing you called me now. I told you years ago making an ESOP plan would be worth it. This is exactly the reason why it’s good for an employee.

“Okay dear, lovely to meet you. Grant here is concerned about your financial future. I’m here to help you do some planning now, so you have fewer issues to worry about in the future. Now, now, dear, don’t get upset. I should be meeting with any person who will be coming into a large sum of money; young, old, college educated, high school only. Nobody really prepares you for all the moving parts that come with money.”

I want to argue this is a waste of time but he sees it and holds up a hand before I can speak.

“Young lady, tell me something. If I weren’t here, what would you do with, let’s say fifty thousand dollars, the money you will receive this month?” I hesitate. “Come now, anything your heart desires no worries about Grant here. What would you do with it?”

“Well, ten percent into savings.” I’ve learned how important it was. “I would set aside another five thousand for taxes. Then a trip to Italy, two weeks in Rome.”

“My, my, smart girl, ten percent, five thousand into savings, already thinking about taxes. Then off to Rome, nice city. How much are you going to spend there in Rome for two weeks?”

“I don’t know eight, maybe nine thousand.” He laughs. “Okay, more like ten or twelve thousand.”

“Okay now, ten thousand in the bank and let’s be honest fifteen thousand on flights and hotels and cannoli. You’ve got twenty five thousand dollars still, trip to Bloomie’s maybe?”

“No, I’m not much of a shopper. For the month, a weekly spa trip, they run about two hundred each time. I don’t know... not much more.”

“Now, I want you to really think, no Grant, no Alice. What are you doing with your money every day right now?”

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