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“Fine,” he said slowly, raising his gaze to mine and still looking distrustfully at me. “I don’t think we’ll see each other again, though.”

My heart soared and I couldn’t stop the smile spreading over my face.

“Why, was she too nice for you? I can’t see you with anyone nice.” I threw his words back at him.

His full lips tipped up at the corners. “I guess I deserve that comment.”

“Yes, you do.”

He opened his mouth to say something and then groaned, rubbing his head. “Bloody hell, I need more painkillers,” he muttered.

The guilt came rushing back.

“Let me have a look,” I offered quietly, placing my full coffee mug down on his desk. Surprisingly, he let me spin his chair without resistance.

I placed my hands in his soft hair, gently parting the strands.

“Oh Luke, I’m so sorry. You have a proper lump here,” I breathed, gingerly prodding it with my fingertips.

“Ouch! For fuck’s sake, Payne, don’t start poking at it with your sharp fingernails,” he berated, spinning back in his chair to face me.

“Sorry, again,” I whispered, biting my lip.

We stared at each other wordlessly for a moment, our faces close together. I’d never noticed the gold flecks in Luke’s green eyes before. Then again, I hadn’t ever been close enough to study them. I watched in fascination as his eyes darkened, his pupils dilating.

I suddenly felt short of breath, and my brain seemed to shut down.

“Your eyelashes are so long,” I whispered. “Any woman would kill to have those.” As if of its own volition, my hand came up and touched the corner of his top lashes. “So soft,” I mused to myself.

His whole body stilled.

My brain came back online.

Shit, shit, shit!

With dawning horror, I snatched my hand away and bounced back against Luke’s desk. What on earth had possessed me to do that? I risked a glance at him. The tense set of his jaw and the way he was clenching his knuckles so hard they were turning white told me everything I needed to know.

“Luke?” I said tentatively.

“Don’t say another fucking word,” he bit out.

Reeling away, I stumbled over to my desk and slumped in my seat dejectedly. Plan “be nice to Luke Davenport” was a fail. I’d already managed to upset him, and the workday hadn’t even officially started.

“So, I saw a very interesting sight as I walked into the office,” Eddie purred, wheeling his chair over to mine.

“I don’t want to talk about it. I was trying to make an effort to be nice, and it blew up in my face.” I threw up my hands. “I don’t know why I bother,” I muttered to myself.

Eddie scrutinised me, looking far more pleased than he ought to, as my friend.

I gave him my best icy look.

“Ugh, don’t pull that face again.” He shuddered. “I’ll drop it for now, but we are discussing this later.” He regarded me sternly, then relented at my downcast expression. “You need coffee.”

I pointed to my almost full mug.

“Drink up, then, and I’ll make us another.”

I gulped down my coffee, grimacing at the lukewarm temperature.
