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Lexa? Shit, no, not my little niece. But it couldn’t have been too bad, or there would have been another ambulance pulling up by now. I pulled out my phone and dialed Quinn’s number, needing to make sure she was safe.

“Hey!” she said breathlessly. “I was dialing your number when it rang. Are you okay?”

“I was going to ask you that,” I growled, relief washing over me at the sound of her voice. “Listen, things got crazy at the bar after we left.”

“I-I know,” she interrupted. “Spider just showed up with Willa, Gracie, and Rory. There was blood on Spider’s face.”

“I’m at the hospital, baby. Uncle Chaz got hit, so I’m going to be here until I know he’s okay. Don’t go anywhere. Listen to Spider and Jet, and don’t leave the clubhouse unless they say otherwise.”

“I want to come be with you,” she protested, and I could hear the tears in her voice. “I love Uncle Chaz too, Raider.”

“I know, sweetheart. I know. But it’s too dangerous to have you out right now. Please, for me, just stay there with my brother and Spider.”

“Raider,” she started to protest again, but I cut her off.

“I love you, Quinn. Stay the fuck there, or I’m going to spank that sexy ass of yours when I get back.”

I didn’t give her time to reply. I hit end and pocketed my phone.

Another nurse appeared and waited hesitantly just a few feet away. I shot her a scowl, and she flinched at the menace coming off both Trigger and me, but she swallowed her fear of us and gave us a shaky smile. “The doctor asked me to show you to the OR waiting room.”

We started to follow her when another ambulance with its lights on came into view. Trigger and I stayed where we were as it pulled into the ER bay. Once it stopped, I reached for the back door and found Raven sitting on a gurney with Lexa on her lap and Matt sitting beside the EMT. One look at my sister’s face and I knew something was wrong.

“Uncle Jack is gone,” Matt informed us before I could open my mouth.

“What?” Trigger asked, his face dropping. “But he was fine when I left. I saw him walking around and calling out orders to the boys.”

Raven closed her eyes and turned her face away so we couldn’t see how much pain she was in. “The EMT said it was a massive heart attack.”

“Ma’am, we need to get your daughter inside,” the EMT murmured in a voice filled with sympathy.

She gave a nod and started to set Lexa on the gurney so the EMTs could take her inside, but the little girl clung to Raven’s neck. Without protesting, Raven stayed where she was and let the men wheel both her and Lexa into the hospital.

Matt, Trigger, and I stayed with my sister and niece, none of us willing to leave them after everything that had already happened that night. It only took about half an hour to get Lexa stitched up, and Raven signed her release papers.

Lexa was sound asleep, and I lifted her into my arms as we went upstairs to the OR waiting room to wait for news on Uncle Chaz.

As we took a seat in the empty waiting room, the doors flew open, and the rest of my MC brothers flooded in. Bash was in front of Raven before I had even realized he was in the room, pulling her into his arms and rocking her as she began to cry silently.

“He’s really gone,” she whispered brokenly. “I don’t believe it. I don’t want to believe.”

“I’m sorry, baby. So damn sorry.” He tucked her close as she cried, but his gaze went to me and his peacefully sleeping daughter. The big man’s brows lifted, and I gave him a grim smile to let him know Lexa was going to be fine.

Relief filled his blue eyes, but it was short-lived as the doctor who had met the first ambulance came into the room. His surgical scrubs were covered in sweat, and the look on his face told us that what he had to tell us wasn’t going to be news any of us wanted to hear.

“You’re all family?”

“Yes,” Bash growled, making the doctor’s Adam’s apple bob.

“I’m sorry to tell you that Mr. Barker didn’t make it.”

“No,” Raven sobbed. “No, he’s got to be okay. I can’t lose them both in the same night.”

Bash tucked her closer, whispering something into her ear, but she couldn’t hear him over her own sobs.

“I’m sorry,” the doctor continued. “There was just too much damage.”

Hawk moved forward to talk to the doctor, but the rest of us were in too much shock to listen to what was said between the two. I couldn’t believe it. Two of the Originals were gone, stolen from us by Enzo. Maybe they hadn’t shot Uncle Jack like they had Uncle Chaz, but Enzo was still equally responsible for both deaths in my eyes.
