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My fingers curled into the shirt he was wearing under his cut, holding onto him almost desperately. If I let go I might fall...or attack him for more. His tongue brushed over my lips and I willingly parted them for him. Teasingly he thrust the tip of his tongue into my mouth, causing me to tremble. The next stroke went deeper, tangling with my own tongue as he kissed all common sense from me.

If the kiss had lasted an hour, a day, a year it would have been too short. When he lifted his head after only a few seconds I whimpered in protest. My lips felt swollen and they pulsed with a need for more of his kiss. Hawk sucked in a deep breath, his fingers biting deeper into the flesh at my waist as he held me closer against his hard body.

“Your kisses are dangerous, baby. Worse than Irish whisky; it goes straight to my head and makes me want to do crazy things.” His breath caressed my cheek as his lips stroked across it, to my jaw and then down. When his hot, damp lips connected with the sensitive skin of my neck I cried out in pleasure. “And those sounds you make… Ah, damn baby. I can’t help but wonder what sounds you’ll make when I’m inside of you.”

“Hawk,” I whimpered and buried my face in his chest. Images of him between my legs, making love to me filled my head. I wanted that, wanted it so bad. But I didn’t know if I was ready for us to go there yet.

The office door suddenly opened and Hawk’s grip on me tightened almost painfully for a moment. When I heard Jack’s laugh all the sexual tension I’d been feeling evaporated quickly. “Wondered how long it would take before you came checking on the girl.”

“Thought I would bring her some lunch.” Hawk kissed the top of my head and with a reluctant sigh stepped back. “I’m going to head over to the bar and do some work. Make sure Harley stays out of the fucking office when she’s here.”

I turned around to face Jack as Hawk spoke and saw the way the older man stiffened. “What’s he done?”

“Sniffing around where he’ll get his face busted in if he isn’t careful,” Hawk practically growled. “If you want him in prime working order, make sure he stays away from her.”

“Hawk,” I said, not liking that he was making threats, however veiled they might be, “stop it. Harley hasn’t done anything for you to get all snarly over.” The man had just made me feel uncomfortable, surely that wasn’t enough reason to hurt him.

His eyes had darkened to a deep hunter green again when he turned his gaze on me. “I’ll speak with Trigger. He’ll keep an eye open for you.”

“Hawk…” I started to protest but he pressed another kiss to my forehead and stepped away.

“See you tonight, baby. Later, Uncle Jack.”

I stood there, angry that he’d ignored everything I’d just said. If he acted like that now, how would it be if things went further with us? Tears filled my eyes and I quickly turned away before Jack noticed. What if he actually did hurt someone over me? After growing up in a house where a man became violent over no good reason, I didn’t know if I could deal with this…

Chapter 6


The feel of warm lips on my neck woke me up in more ways than one. Blinking my eyes open I saw the clock beside the bed and groaned. I didn’t know whether to be pissed that he’d woken me at two in the afternoon or to take him up on the very tempting offer he was silently offering me by pressing his hardness against my bare ass.

“Happy birthday, baby.” Spider kissed my neck again, his facial hair tic

kling my sensitive skin.

I groaned again, having completely forgotten that it was my birthday. I was twenty-two today. I’d never really cared about birthdays, mine in particular. My mom would always make it a special day, but I’d always considered it more for her, the woman who had spent so many agonizing hours pushing me into the world, than for myself. Really, shouldn’t it be for her because she’d went through all that work getting me to the nine-month mark and then going through all that damn pain?

Last year had been the first year without her and I hadn’t celebrated at all. Sure, Bash had gotten me a goofy little card and he and Lexa had attempted to make me a cake. It had been sweet, but it had only made me sad that my mom was gone. She should have been there to celebrate my twenty-first.

I didn’t want to celebrate this year either, but Raven now considered me one of her family and was throwing me a party. Lucky for me Bash had warned me in advance and I’d been able to get Spider to convince her to have a much smaller get together than what she had originally planned. A simple dinner out with just a few of us and then back to the Hannigans’ house for drinks.

That was it. I didn’t want more than that.

“Come on, Willa.” Spider nuzzled my ear before sinking his teeth into the lobe. “Wake up. I want to give you your present.”

“If it’s anything but your dick, I don’t want it.”

With his bare chest pressed so close to my back, his chuckle vibrated through me. One large, questing hand traveled from my stomach, lowering to cup my pussy. “I can definitely make that happen. But I still have something else for you.” He parted the lips of my sex with his fingers and thrust his thick middle finger inside of me.

I moaned, unable to hide just how much I wanted him as liquid pleasure flooded my entrance and dripped onto his hand. “James…” When he pulled his hand away, I whimpered in protest and turned onto my back. “You are a cruel man, James Masterson.”

“You can have my dick as soon as I give you your first present.” He pulled a small wrapped box out from under his pillow and sat it on my stomach. I blinked at the little box, knowing that it couldn’t be anything other than jewelry from the size of it.

I glanced down at my left hand where my engagement ring shimmered in the light coming through the curtains of the apartment. I wasn’t much for jewelry, but that ring was any woman’s dream come true. That the man I loved had given it to me with the promise of making me his wife…

Yeah, that was everything I’d ever wanted wrapped up in a sparkling diamond.

I pulled the string of the ribbon and took the top off the little box. When I lifted my head to look inside I couldn’t help the gasp that left my mouth. It wasn’t jewelry, but a key.
