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He's obviously jealous, and my heart just can't take it. "I'm sure you've seen the photo of Jack and me—-"

"It's a video actually, and I have it saved in my phone."


"I'll beat him for you if you want, but I'd rather not."

I pretend to be outraged, demanding, "Whyever not?"

"Because he's already lost you, and there's nothing worse than that."

I cover my mouth...and then I let myself squeal.

"I still heard that."


I'm about to make up an excuse when I realize my Uber has already reached my apartment building, and I'm about to tell Aidan I need to hang up again when someone suddenly opens my door.


Aidan helps me out of the cab and smirks at my shock.

It's my first time to see him dressed in a suit, and I really, really like it. I have no idea why he's dressed so fancily, but who cares? The pinstriped pattern makes him look so much taller and sexier, and I'm enamored by the way he carries the outfit like he's born to wear Armani.

I'm dazzled like usual, actually, and so when Aidan turns back to face me, all thoughts disappear, and I hear myself blurt out, "You're handsome."

Aidan pulls me close with a laugh, and I feel my toes curl when his lips touch my forehead.

"Have I told you I'm falling in love with you?"

I want to say no just so he can say it again, but I'm also dying to say yes because with my cheek pressed against his chest, I can feel his heart literally pounding, and I just know we're just one I-love-you-too away from having our happy-ever-after.

Because it's like he said, really.

Things have always been easy between us, and—-

"Mama, Raffi is hugging Uncle Aidan!"

The familiar voice has me jumping back self-consciously, and when I spin around I see Nala waving happily at Aidan...while Mairi looks torn between guilt and dismay.

Since I know for a fact that Damen Leventis would never allow his daughter to call just any man 'Uncle', it can only mean Aidan is one of two things, and...

"Please tell me you're Greek."

I feel Aidan's powerful body tense up, and another moment passes when he says tightly, "No."

So that means he's the other thing,'s still like he says.

I have no idea how this is even possible, but since Aidan's never given me grief for running away from him more than once, then I certainly won't make a big deal out of the fact that he happens to be a small-town-cop-slash-billionaire.

After all...

I lean back so I can smile up at him, and now that I know we're real, the words roll down my tongue just as easily.

"I think I'm falling in love with you, too."


Dear Followers of VeRAFFIed,

As I'm typing this letter, I'm currently curled up on a couch in front of a fireplace. The snow outside is heavy, but inside our home it's cozy and warm, and...yes, I did say OUR because...I'm married. * heart *

My husband is someone you've never seen me with, and I'm sure, in the weeks I've been gone, you've probably read countless rumors and speculations and maybe even so-called sources and insiders saying this and that about the man I supposedly cheated my ex-boyfriend with.

However...this letter isn't meant to correct or dispute what's being said about me.

I'm writing this letter because I just want to take this moment to thank you.

The past five years have been crazy, and while there have been lots of ups and downs, you guys are my one and only constant. I've never spoken about this before, but for the longest time I've felt lost and empty, like there's something I'm missing even when it seems like I already have everything.

I know that might sound like I'm about to tell you that marriage has completed me, and that it's love that's been missing all along.

But no.

It's not that.

I mean, sure, I do think that my husband is the most wonderful man in the planet. He's gorgeous and sexy, and every little thing he does makes my heart skip a beat. But what I love most about him is how he always looks at me like I'm the most beautiful girl in the world. I know it's not true obviously, but if he wants to think of me that way...well, who am I to stop him, right?

But I'm digressing.

Like I said, this letter is for you. I want to thank you for sticking with me all these years. Thank you for caring, and it's because you guys have never hesitated to show how much you care that I also want you to know...I'm going away for a while, and I'm not sure when or even if I'd ever come back.

The way the world is these days, it makes us feel we always need to have our shit together the moment we know our ABCs, and we all get so busy working our asses off and doing everything the world expects us to do that before we know it...a whole lifetime has passed, and we've lost the chance to just pause and take a moment to consider the why of things.
