Page 56 of SAFEHOUSE

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My breath hitched as his arm swept around the small of my back, holding me up on my weak knees. I wondered what Chandra was making of all of this, watching from her car. I didn’t need this kind of proximity, I needed distance! This man’s scent was intoxicating, and feeling the solid mass of his body pressing up against me was driving me wild.

“Listen to me. Being with you last night is the first time I’ve ever really felt alive… I thought I had everything I could ever want in life, and you showed me there’s something better. It’s in your face… It’s in your body… It’s in your voice and your words and your beautiful mind. What happened last night wasn’t a mistake Savannah. I will never regret that moment. It will never be a mistake as long as I live.”

“I don’t even remember most of last night,” I replied, tears pouring from my eyes. Why was this man affecting me like this? Why in the world did I want him to sweep me up in his arms and carry me home?

That’s what my mind was saying, but the rest of my body disagreed. My body knew him. I could remember every touch and every single little sensation. The how and the why remained distant, but I desperately wanted to feel his hands on my skin just one more time.

“You can feel it, can’t you? It’s written all over your face. Look at the way your lips curl when I touch you. I can see the sparkle in your eyes. I loved you the first time I set eyes on you. Is that really so crazy?” Graham whispered, wiping away one of my tears. “What happened yesterday was real. You have to know that. We should go upstairs and talk. Please.”

I just nodded, letting him take me by the hand and lead me between the flowers. I turned to throw a glance at Chandra, and watched as she pointed at her cellphone. She’d expect a full update, but like a good friend, she would wait. Upstairs and out of view of the curious onlookers, we stepped up to my door, the key inserting effortlessly into the lock. I turned the knob, opening the portal to my only little slice of private space on this Earth.

“You sure you don’t want me to carry you over, Savannah?” Graham said, laughing quietly to himself.

“Do you think it’s that easy, Mr. Archer?” I asked, staring into his eyes.

“I know it is,” he replied, lifting me up unexpectedly and stepping inside.


_ _ _

It wasn’t funny, but Graham was still laughing under as he crossed the living room.

“Put me down!”

He tossed me onto my squishy couch. For a moment, Graham just stood there, looking around and taking it all in.

“What’s the matter, this humble abode not fancy enough for you?” I said with annoyance in my voice at his cool demeanor.

“I think I could get used to it, actually. It’s a nice change of pace,” Graham replied, sitting down on the chair across from me. The way he moved was confident and al

l too appealing. Even in my panicked state, half of me just wanted him to tear my clothes off and take me right here in the living room.

“Why did you run away, Savannah?”

He had a way of cutting right to the chase.

“I didn’t mean for any of this to happen. I was just out for a little fun. I don’t do this kind of stuff!”

“You mean kiss on the first date?” Graham said softly, a hint of laughter in his voice.

“I mean get married to the first guy I’ve ever had a one night stand with!”

His eyebrow rose as he cocked his beautifully handsome head to the side. “Obviously, I was hoping for a little more than one night.”

I want more than one night too. Can I have more than one night?

“We have nothing in common Graham. You’re some bigshot billionaire, I’m just a girl trying to make her own way in the world… And…”

I hesitated.

“And what?”

“And you’re white.”

“I’ve noticed, Savannah,” Graham said with a cool tone, his smile still firmly planted on his face. “After last night, I didn’t expect that would be a problem for you…”

“People are going to think I’m just some stupid notch on your belt. Have you even seen the news? Rich man marries token black girl trophy wife!”

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