Page 50 of Misbehaving Curves

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I sighed, hoping to do away with all thoughts of Ben for the night. “No one. Not anymore.”

“Not to pry, but it still seems like something.”

I couldn’t help but laugh. I liked Mikki so far and I hoped to see more of her, but I refused to get my hopes up where the Callahan men were concerned. That was a lesson I’d already learned. “That’s because I have a hopeful heart and you have hopeful eyes. Probably because you’re in love and expecting a baby, it’s clouding your vision.”

Mikki laughed. “Some would say its sharpened my vision. Here’s our car.”

“Mine is on the other side of the building in the teacher’s lot,” I told them and gave directions to Carriage House. “You won’t be able to miss it, just look for the burgundy awning.”

Jase stopped and gave me a long assessing look. “You’re not gonna ditch us are you? Because I know where you live.”

I laughed. “I don’t want to have to walk all the way back here after we eat. I’m not running,” I assured him. “Pilgrim is my turf.”

“All right, then I’ll ride with you. I’ve had my fill of pregnancy talk, if you don’t mind.”

“As long as you don’t mind the walk, you’re welcome to ride with me.” Jase smiled and flung an arm around me as we separated from Mikki and Nate.

“You’re all right with us showing up?”

“Absolutely. I’m more in my element around here and it was a nice surprise. Mama wasn’t a fan of female athletes so she didn’t show up for much.” I shook my head. “I don’t know why I just told you that.”

“Maybe because we’re family and trying to get to know each other?”

“Are we?”

Jase nodded. “That’s what I’m hoping for.”

“You are?”

“Of course. That’s why we’re here. Bo would’ve come too, but she promised a friend she’d babysit tonight. But you’re invited to our next fish fry, as soon as the playoffs are over.”

“Wow, that would be really great, Jase. I’m glad you didn’t give up on reaching out to me, even though I didn’t make it easy.”

“That’s what family is for, to kick your ass just when you need it.”

“Kick my ass? I thought big brothers kicked other asses for me.”

Jase flashed a boyish grin. “That’s more Nate’s department but I’m happy to put the fear of god in anyone you need. Though Bo will tell you that my dimples ruin the effect. Don’t listen to her, I am very tough and very manly.”

“Only a little. Otherwise you’re just as intimidating as your brother.”

“Your brother too. He’ll come around, just wait.”

I didn’t believe that and I didn’t want to argue, but as Jase and I continued to talk I realized something. If Nate never came around, that would be all right too.


“How was the game?” Chris asked the question around a yawn as we stood in line at Bread Box.

“Great! The girls kicked ass and most of the town showed up.” The smile on the faces of the soccer team were worth the effort it took, the favors I’d called in, just to get butts in the seats.

“And? Don’t leave me hanging, Ben. Did your act of generosity pay off with the woman?”

I barked out a laugh and shook my head. “It was too late. Some guy was there for her so it’s safe to say she moved on.” Seeing her so happy as she walked into his arms had gutted me and I didn’t bother to stick around for the awkward introduction. “I feel like an idiot. All week I was longing for her, regretting my actions and she was meeting guys and moving on.”

“You’re jumping to conclusions.” Chris took a step towards the counter where Mara glared at me, hard enough to break a bone.

“I’m not. I saw them with my own eyes. Her big smile as she walked to his broad chest. She’s moved on. Quickly, I might add.”

“You are a fool.” Mara shook her head, disgust written all over her face.

“Don’t bother covering for her, Mara. I saw it with my own two eyes.” And the more I thought about it, the angrier I got. “Maybe it was never about me, maybe she was just ready to move on. Maybe this guy was who she really wanted, and it was all a ploy to make me jealous.”

Mara snorted a laugh. “I changed my mind. You are a big damn fool.” Her laugh came out without a hint of amusement before she rolled her eyes and turned to drink. “What can I get the man with the brain that actually works.”

“A hazelnut coffee with a splash of vanilla. And a chocolate croissant, oh and one of those cream filled donuts. Thanks, Mara.”

“No problem, Chris.” She flashed a sweet smile before aiming another glare my way. “You are…an idiot.”
