Page 9 of More Than Him

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“Stay away from me you bastard. I trusted you. I fucking loved you. How could you?” No longer able to hold in the sob. “How could you!” I cry out, my body feeling like the air is being ripped from it.

“Baby, I wouldn’t…”

“I don’t want to hear it. Please just…” I don’t finish before I run out of the door and down the stairs not wanting to wait for the elevator. Making it to the lobby and outside, there is an empty cab and I hop in it and look back one more time. I don’t go home that night. I go to stay with a coworker, choosing not to go to my best friend’s house since she is going through enough in her marriage. God it hurts so bad. How am I going to recover from this?

Shit. I say sitting up pulling myself from the memory that shattered all of my dreams. I look down at my stomach and simply rub it, silently telling him I am sorry his family fell apart before he even knew he had one. To think, the day before I had just found out I was pregnant and was planning to tell him that morning during our morning bath. Get it together, Lani. Get it together.

My alarm clock goes off right as I begin to stretch, and I get ready to go. Grabbing my book bag and purse, I walk out the door. Poising to put the key in the lock, I stop when the hairs on the back of my neck begin to stand up. I know that feeling oh too well. I shake my head, knowing it's not possible. Must be the memory playing tricks on me. Right as I inhale to take a deep breath, his scent hits my nose at the same time as his voice reaches all the other parts of me. “Lani?” Oh god. It can’t be. I feel him stand behind me, as evidenced by the sway of my body being called to his. Turning, I look at him and gasp at his appearance. A far cry from the put together man I first met.

“Dun,” I gasp my hand over my stomach. I can feel the wall I have been trying to build crumbling before my very eyes, my heart recognizing its owner. Everything begins to turn right side up, until he opens his mouth.

“Who the hell is he, Lani? Tell me who he is so I can read him his last fucking rights.'' My first thought is what the hell is he talking about. But then it clicks. He just saw me leaving a hotel room and assumed there is a man on the other side of this door. Well now I am just downright pissed. Who in the hell does he think he is?Chapter SevenLailaniHe’s here. He is actually here, standing in front of me, being an asshole, but he is still close enough for me to touch. Thank God he is being a jerk because I almost slipped up and did just that. “None of your damn business. Who the hell do you think you are to ask me anything about my personal life?”

“It’s my business because you are my woman and that gold mine between your legs belongs to me.'' well shit. Why did he have to go and say that? I try to be discrete as I rub my legs together, fighting to control the throb. “I see your pussy didn’t forget did it, baby?” See. Asshole. Although he is right. “Now tell me whose hotel room you are leaving, so I can take care of him and then take care of you.” crap I should be telling him to get lost, but I slipping into a Dun-fog and begging is going to be next. “I can smell her, baby. Did she miss me, huh, sweetness? Did that juicy pussy miss this steel rod?'' I really need to get a grip and tell him to get the fuck away from me.

“I-I don’t…I… what are you doing here, Dun?” Oh yea, that’s telling him, I chastise myself.

“Ask me a serious fucking question, Lani. Did you think you would run from me and I wouldn't go to the end of the earth to find you? Who the hell do you think I am?'' oh hell no. That is exactly what I needed to pull me out of this quickly sinking abyss.

“I think you are the type of man that would sleep with a woman for a month, sell her dreams and fantasies all the while having a fiancée waiting for you. That’s who the hell I think you are.” good job, Lani. Get pissed. He doesn’t deserve your lust. I straighten my shoulders, once again feeling in control. The anger taking over his face is pleasing since I know it is made out of jealousy. Annoyed that I haven’t answered him, he gets ready to knock on the door, and I touch him. I stupidly touched him to stop him from banging on a door where no one will answer and everything in me lights up. Not just my wet, swollen pussy, but my heart, my mind, and my vision. Everything seems brighter and that is fucked up considering what he did to me.
