Page 46 of Leather Dreams

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”Break it up, gentleman,” the nurse huffs, shoving herself between us. “You’re grown men, take it outside or something.” He finally lets go of me, still red faced and angry.

”Until you learn to be less of an ass, don’t talk to me. Obviously Leather isn’t a priority for you, but she is for me,” I spit, turning around and walking out of the room. I can tell he wants to say something else, but the nurse takes his attention away from me and back onto Tornado.

Stewing silently, I decide not to round everyone up just yet and just to go to the gym to cool off. They are all working diligently to find Leather, and I don’t want to take them away from that just because their president is being a dick.

I can understand that he wanted to keep this under wraps, but does he seriously not see the dangerousness of the situation? Under the guise of a mission, allowed her to go off into the fucking sunset with her abuser.

How the fuck did she stumble upon that fucking mission, anyway? She supposedly got a tip from one of Tiny’s men, but who knows if that’s even real. Honestly, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tornado or Prez called that shit in while impersonating an informant. What the fuck was the point of sending her off anyway? She gets to see her long lost brother who is supposedly trafficking children? I hate to burst their bubble, but Leather is a major advocate against that stuff.

None of it makes sense, and it’s doing my head in. Blinking, I realize that I finally made it to the gym, though I’m not sure how long it took. Spacing out is trippy.

Looking around, it’s completely empty.

Good. I don’t have the patience to deal with anyone else that’s being fucking stupid. Shedding my vest and my shirt, I set them on the bench then tape my hands up. Clenching my fists a few times to work out the stiffness, I circle the bag. Who do I pretend this is? Heckles? Prez? Tornado? Maybe I can take turns pummeling them all.

I don’t think, I just start throwing jabs and punches, inflicting as much pain as I can onto this bag. Let’s hope I’m not as angry when I face Prez and Tornado again, because their faces may just be the next thing my fists meet.

Chapter Thirty-Eight



Shoving away from the person, my eyes feel as though they are going to bulge from my head.

“What…” I pause, glancing at him. “Are you fucking with me? Is this some kind of sick joke?”

“Look, I wish I could explain everything right now, but we have to get out of here.” It’s silent for a moment as the men chasing us seem to stop to recollect themselves.

“You’re alive?” I whisper-shout, tears threatening to spill. Grunting, he grabs my shoulders and gives them a good shake. “What the actual fuck is going on? Why do you look like…you without looking like you?”

“We don’t have time, let’s go,” he whispers harshly, tugging on my arm. I finally kick myself into action, releasing my brain from the stupor it’s in and we take off.

That’s a lie. There’s thoughts clouding my brain right now, but they aren’t going to stop me from getting to safety. Not only that, but who would expect the brother they lost to trafficking to come back. Though, the person standing before me isn’t the brother I had lost.

No. He’s nothing like the scrawny little boy I had to let go all of those years ago. Actually, my brain very well could be tricking me at this point. He doesn’t look nor sound the same, but something in me just knows.

“Over here.” I almost run past him, but he quickly grabs the strap of my tank-top and yanks me around the corner. There’s boots pounding on the concrete behind us, shouts of distress and metal clinking.

Running for so long is starting to make my head go light, the oxygen barely making it into my lungs. Now that I’m really thinking about it, I don’t think I have ever run this hard for anything in my life. Life or death seems to be the determining factor at this point.

A bullet whizzes past my head, and I feel the breeze whisp through my hair. Daryn curses loudly, running in a zig-zag style pattern as more and more follow. Shots start firing quickly, ricocheting off the walls as we run for our lives. Though, I feel like I’m more endangered by myself with the way my heart is pounding chaotically in my chest from all this extra activity and my life of nourishment.

Grabbing my hip to start firing back at them, I quickly realize I don’t have my side piece. It’s weird to not have my guns on me, and I’m not used to not having protection of my leather jacket and boots. Those are my safe guards, my protection. Honestly, I feel kind of naked without any one of them.

This entire fucking situation is fucked up.

Realizing I’m starting to lag behind, Daryn clasps my hand tightly in his, and we run until there’s nowhere else to go. All that’s left is a dead-end made up of stones.

“Fuck!” I shriek, yanking away from him. Grappling the stone, I growl in frustration as Daryn frantically searches for something alongside me. I’m not sure what exactly he’s looking for, but I know I’m just trying to find a freaking way out.

“Aha!” He shouts as the bricks tumble to the ground and masks the pounding of boots coming toward us. Again, we take off running. I’m burning in places I didn’t realize needed exercise.

“I can’t,” I wheeze, slowing nearly to a stop. Without warning, he jerks me around and slings me across his shoulders while barely stopping. I don’t have any energy left in my body to fight him. I would usually advocate for my own independence, but I am absolutely done for. I’m not sure how long I was in lock-up nor what shit they fed me.

Flying through twists and turns, the tunnels seem never ending. I’m half convinced that we’re just running in a giant fucking circle, but that would be stupid. They could have caged us off by now. From the sounds leaking in from the walls, it’s almost like we’re under a highway or something, which means that we’re close to others.

“Grab the gun from my waist!” He shouts over his shoulder, and I gawk for a moment. I’m startled back into reality when more shots pop off.

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