Page 45 of Leather Dreams

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Stomping his boot right in front of me, I fight the instinct I pushed away for years. As a slave, you learn certain cues from your Master. If they did something all the time, they usually didn’t want to ask for it, so they would create an action. When he wanted me to worship at his feet, he would stomp his foot in front of me. Usually, it meant me licking his shoes clean. Before he turned into a Master asshole, he kept them clean for me. After he decided to turn into a megacunt, they were always dirty. Unfortunately, my brain wouldn’t shut off long enough for me to deny him.

I’m afraid that if he stands here for too long, I won’t be able to tell him no.

“You know what to do, slut,” he growls, kicking at my legs and stomping again. Instead of cowering like he wants me to, I make an instantaneous decision.

I have nothing to lose.

“You’re going to have to fucking make me,” I retort. It sounds slightly petulant, but that’s the least of my worries. His smile drops when he realizes that his mental hold on me is not as strong as it used to be. There’s still an incessant nagging in the back of my head telling me that I’m going to get lashed for this. I’m simply going to ignore it.

I have wasted so much time in my life listening to the little voice in my head telling me to be careful. It kept me away from connecting with others, stopped me from being able to actually enjoy my life. I’m choosing to take my life back from his clutches. I refuse to give anyone the satisfaction of having anything over me, even my own inner monologue.

“You’ll do right to fucking listen when I tell you to do something,” he spits. His hand darts into my hair, and yanks me to my feet. I wait for the perfect moment as he starts dragging me out of the room. I grab his wrist, turn around, and drop onto his elbow. Immediately, there’s a sharp snap followed by his high pitched scream. His hold on my hair gets released, and I bolt. He’s shouting things that I can’t understand, but I don’t care.

I’m depleted, and I have no doubt that they have probably been putting sedatives in my food. Good thing is the spacing between meals. While I’m getting less food, I’m also not getting whatever they are putting in the food to make me drowsy.

Adrenaline pumps through my veins as I try to navigate the basement. You’d think it’s all one big space. It’s not. There’s multiple stairways, and I have no idea where they go. I don’t want to just take one and hope for the best, but with the pounding of boots that are coming this way, I don’t have time to think about it.

Saying a quick prayer to whoever is listening, I bolt up a set of stairs. It loops around a corner, and I immediately run into someone. They lock their arms around me and cover my mouth. Screaming, I thrash against their hold and try to break it. They don’t budge.

“Shhh. It’s me,” they whisper. My body freezes, and I go completely still.

Chapter Thirty-Seven



“You’re right, we have a fuck ton to talk about,” I snap, unable to believe what I just heard. Are they fucking kidding me right now? “I don’t want to play your games anymore. I want the truth, and I want it now.”

”It’s not information we just give to anyone,” Prez informs nonchalantly. I swear the blood that was boiling in my veins turns to magma.

“I understand that our…whatever,” I say exasperatedly, “might not be a deciding factor for you, but you don’t think this was a decision that the club should have made as a whole?” Tornado clasps his hands on his lap, not wanting to look at me nor Prez. Not that I blame him, but at the same time, he was in on this. He fucking agreed to do this shit. Do I know the whole story? No. Do I know that they put not only Leather’s life at risk, but also three other members of the club?

“Look,” Tornado sighs, picking at his nails.

”I don’t even want to hear from you,” I snap, pointing at him. “I have no remorse for you being in that bed right now.” He simply nods.

”Knuckles, it’s not personal,” Prez admonishes, and I’m honestly appalled.

”You think this is just about me? Are you fucking serious?” I shout, shoving my hands in my hair to try and ground myself. I need to get a fucking grip. “You…” I laugh, unable to form the right words. I’m so pissed, I have to look away from him and stare at a blank spot on the wall.

No one says anything for several minutes while I try to gather myself.

”I understand you’re upset that we didn’t tell you,” Prez says softly. Taking a deep breath, I finally look at them both.

”This has nothing to do with me, and everything to do with the safety of the club. You believe that we wouldn’t have agreed? Probably. There were so many risk factors and shit that could go wrong.” Scoffing, I shove my hands in my pocket to keep myself from punching them. “Would you look at that, it went wrong. This dumbass had to fucking hike his way back here, and Leather is still M.I.A. So, tell me, was it worth it?”

”Yes,” Prez answers without hesitation. I stay silent, staring at him incredulously until he can explain himself. “I think it would be a good idea to speak to everyone about this.”

An involuntary laugh huffs out of me. “Too little too late. I will round up the troops though. I’m excited to see how this goes.” Turning on my heel, I take a few steps before I’m quickly spun and slammed into the wall. Instead of complying, I shove against him, fighting for dominance. There’s no fucking way that I will give that shit up without giving him a run for his money.

“I am still your fucking President. You’ll do right to fucking listen to what I have to say.”

”Do I, though?” We grapple for a moment as I work to get his hands to release my shirt. Unfortunately, his grip is white-knuckled and he’s not letting go.

”You do, and I’m going to tell you why,” he pulls me close then shoves me back into the wall, my head clambering backward.

“I mean, I thought you were all about involving everyone? Keeping everyone informed? Isn’t that what you do during church and shit? You made it clear that discussions needed to be open, or is that only for everyone else?” I taunt, spitting at his face as he snarls. Honestly, this is probably going to end in a brawl.
