Page 202 of Fire & Frenzy

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He bent his head to kiss me, and when his lips covered mine, I bit down hard enough to taste blood.

Knox reared back and roared in pain. “You stupid bitch!”

He shoved me away from him and then punched me in the lower stomach. I clutched my belly in agony as the air left my lungs. Tears sprang to my eyes as I gasped for breath, trying to keep myself from vomiting.

Knox pushed me to the ground and my chin hit the tile floor. Pain ricocheted through my skull and my vision blinked in and out.

“I gave you fucking everything,” he ranted.

There was a crack followed by the sounds of fracturing glass which rained down from above me and I knew he’d smashed the bathroom mirror.

I pulled what little energy I had together and began to crawl past him toward the living room.

“I bought you a ring!” he shouted as I inched away from him. He was on a tirade and I prayed it lasted long enough for me to escape him.

Wood groaned as it broke apart.

He’s destroying the vanity with his bare hands.

“I moved you into my house! I bought you a car! I gave you nice clothes! And now you’re fucking some biker?”

Drywall and flecks of paint littered my path as he continued his onslaught.

I’d barely made it out of the bathroom when strong hands clamped my ankles like shackles and halted my escape.

And then Knox grabbed my shoulder and flipped me over.

“We’re not done, Logan. We’re never gonna be fucking done. I’ve been watching you. I know you’ve been with him…”

Knox tore at my clothes. My shirt ripped at the collar, exposing my breasts.

I tried to fight, but he grabbed my wrists and clinched them together in one of his large hands and shoved them over my head. He straddled my legs and I didn’t have the strength nor the skills to fight him off.

He leaned down close to my face, his eyes lit with excitement. “I’m going to fuck a baby into you before that biker gets a chance to.”

Knox licked the tears from my cheeks as his free hand wrenched down my pajama shorts and underwear.

I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t scream, I couldn’t feel.

My mind slipped away.

I heard the sound of his zipper and turned my face to the floor so I wouldn’t see him destroy me.

A bellow of rage split the air, and Knox took a boot to the face. His heavy form was suddenly thrown off me.

I was free.

The force of the kick propelled Knox into the coffee table. It collapsed and crunched beneath the weight of him. Smoke wasted no time and jumped on top of Knox immediately and began to pummel Knox in the face.

The sound of flesh meeting flesh turned my stomach.

I rolled over and hastily dragged up my pajama shorts and attempted to pull the ruined pieces of my shirt together to cover my breasts.

“Logan!” Smoke yelled. “Get the fuck out of here!”

“You son of a bitch! I know you’re fucking her!” Knox roared as he began to wrestle Smoke for control.

Fists flew, connecting with skin. Blood splattered and the scent of unhinged violence was in the air.

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