Page 112 of Fire & Frenzy

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The apartment door opened and Homer strode inside, carrying a small white dog.

“Um, excuse me. You don’t live here,” Brielle said. “You might want to learn how to knock.”

Jazz walked over to Homer and took the ragamuffin dog and cuddled it close. “Homer time-shares a dog with us since he lives in the building,” Jazz said. “This is Fluffernutter. He was a stray we rescued. For some reason he really enjoys snuggling Homer.”

The dog licked Jazz’s face in greeting.

“Where have you been all night?” Homer’s gaze landed on his sister.

“Out,” she said.

“Out where?”

“Out none of your beeswax,” Brielle said. “We’re having a girls’ breakfast. You can go home now.”

Jazz opened her mouth to say something and Brielle looked at her. “Before you say something, don’t.”

Jazz immediately closed her mouth.

“Bye, Homer,” Brielle said pointedly.

Homer glowered, but seemed to realize he wasn’t going to get the information he wanted, so he left. The door thudded as it shut behind him.

“Say nothing,” Brielle stated. “He isn’t gone. I can’t hear any footsteps.”

“I’ll cook while you shower,” Jazz said to Brielle.

“You’re a peach.” Brielle reached for the dog in Jazz’s arms. The dog jumped toward Brielle who gave him a quick snuggle.

“Nothing is ever chill with you guys, is it?” I asked.

“Drama keeps the blood flowing,” Jazz said. “You like hollandaise?”

Chapter 27


I’m downstairs.

Smoke’s text came through as I was putting the finishing touches on my eyelashes.

Though I knew I shouldn’t have taken as long as I had with my appearance, I’d done it anyway. With one final look in the mirror, I turned away. I didn’t care if it looked like I tried. I wanted Smoke to see me at my best. I wanted Smoke to know that I’d taken the time, because I needed to see his eyes flash with heat when he looked at me.

Smoke was standing at the bakery counter having a conversation with Brooklyn. He said something that made her laugh and nod her head eagerly.

Smoke’s gaze drifted to mine and suddenly we locked eyes.

“Hey,” I greeted as I strode toward them.

“Hi,” he said.

I turned to Brooklyn. “I didn’t know you were coming in today.”

“I wasn’t supposed to,” she said. “But I can’t seem to stay away. Slash is blowing up my phone telling me not to stay too long.”

“I was telling Brooklyn that we’ll find a way to keep Slash busy so he’s not ragging on her all the time about keeping off her feet,” Smoke said.

“I think it’s sweet,” I said with a small smile.
