Page 111 of Fire & Frenzy

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“Or who she was with?”


“You worried about her?” I asked.

“Yes. She wasn’t in a good headspace and I—I just hope she hasn’t done anything she’s going to regret.”

As if on cue, the front door opened and Brielle strode inside. She wore a teeny black dress that left little to the imagination. Her red hair must’ve been curled at some point but it was flat now, and she had raccoon eyes.

Jazz’s mouth dropped open. “You got laid!”

“I don’t kiss and tell,” Brielle said, but a triumphant grin split her face.

“Oh my God!” Jazz jumped up and down. “I want to hear everything!”

“I missed all the fun last night,” I said lightly. “I was asleep by eight thirty.”

“Grandma, what are we going to do with you?” Jazz demanded.

“Though, to be fair, I did have several missed texts from you,” I pointed out. “But my phone was on silent so I didn’t get them until this morning.”

“Tavy warned me that texting you to come out was a lost cause. She said when you were home, you were home, and that there was no getting you out of the house after that.”


While Jazz and I had been talking, Brielle opened the pastry box and dove into it.

“Don’t eat the cardboard,” I joked.

She shot me a grin.

“Okay, seriously. I need details. Where did you go? Who did you do?” Jazz asked.

“Not telling,” Brielle said after she swallowed a bite.

“Why not?” Jazz demanded. “I’m your best friend.”

“You also get drunk with my brothers and get incredibly loose-lipped. I know that about you. I accept that about you. But you’ll spill, and I want to keep my personal life personal.”

Jazz pouted. “Damn me and my big mouth. I want to know!”

“Is it going to happen again?” I inquired, curious beyond measure.

“Nope. One and done. He gave me exactly what I was looking for.” Brielle walked over to the fridge and pulled out the milk carton. She opened it and drank right from it.

“Brielle,” Jazz moaned.

“What? There’s barely any left.” Brielle polished off the last of the milk and then tossed the carton into the garbage.

“Did you go home with him?” Jazz asked.

Brielle paused. “I did not.”

“Please, please, please tell me you didn’t have sex in a club bathroom,” Jazz said.

“I did not have sex in a club bathroom,” Brielle said.
