Page 9 of Enduring Darkness

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For a few seconds, only the faint thumping of music from inside breaks the silence.

Then she breathes a single shaky word. “Yes.”

The smile on my mouth widens. Drawing back, I meet her gaze again. “Good. You should be.”

She stares up at me with those wide eyes. My cock is painfully hard. I have never gotten this much pleasure from such a simple threat before. There is something special about this little Russian, and all I want to do is to put her on her knees and make her grovel. To show her what it means to be truly afraid and desperate. But a deal is a deal.

Removing the knife from her throat, I take several steps back and instead raise my other arm to motion towards the door. She doesn’t move. Only remains there, pressed against the wall as she eyes me warily. I simply keep watching her as well.

I have given her an out. If she wants it, she’s going to have to be brave enough to take it.

After another second of studying me, as if trying to read the nonexistent emotions in my eyes, she edges away from the wall. I remain motionless. Her eyes stay on mine the whole time as she slowly skirts around me and then backs towards the door. I turn so that I can keep her in my field of vision.

Once she reaches the door, she yanks it open.

Loud music once more pulses through the air, spilling into the night. But I know that Alina can hear me when I give her some parting words.

“I’ll see you soon, little doe.”

Her eyes snap to me for a second. And then she’s gone, pulling the door shut behind her.

A cold laugh spills from my lips.

“Very soon,” I add.

But only the darkness hears me this time.



Every nerve in my body is on high alert as I walk through the gray concrete corridors of Blackwater University. When I reach a corner, I cast a quick glance around it before continuing into the next hallway.

God fucking damn Kaden Hunter.

He has made me so paranoid that I now feel the need to check around every corner to make sure that he isn’t lurking there, waiting to ambush me. First at Carla’s party, and then he showed up again just two days ago. In class. He and his damn brothers waltzed right into our hand-to-hand combat class, and our instructor just let them.

Rico targeted some other girl, whose name I think is Isabella, and Jace beat the crap out of Maksim. Presumably as revenge for almost breaking his arm last Saturday. And Kaden… Well, he naturally came after me.

A shiver rolls down my spine as I remember the psychopath smile that curled his lips when he put me on my back over and over again. God, I wish I could’ve surprised him with some secret ninja move or something. But I’m not a fighter. So instead of taking down that smirking son of a bitch, I constantly found myself on the ground with his muscular body pinning me to the floor and forcing me to tap out.

Another shudder courses through my body at the memory of how it felt to have Kaden straddling my hips. Though this time, the shudder is not entirely out of fear and revulsion.

Shoving that other emotion far into the deepest pits of my mind, I glance around the next corner to make sure that my thoughts haven’t somehow managed to summon the devil himself.

A derisive laugh comes from behind me. “What are you doing?”

Embarrassment heats my cheeks, but I keep my voice neutral as I turn around to face the two girls that I know I will find behind me.

Jane, the girl who spoke, arches an eyebrow at me while Leslie, the brown-haired girl next to her, flashes me a mocking smile. Both of them are first-years as well, and ever since they realized just how unskilled I am, they have been bullying me. Not the kind of violent physical things that Kaden inflicts on his victims, but rather the vicious psychological stuff that I’m pretty sure only girls excel at.

Since the best way to deal with that is to appear unaffected, I simply flick my hair back behind my shoulder in a nonchalant move and reply, “Checking for enemies, obviously.” I raise my eyebrows as if in shock. “Wait, don’t tell me you missed that part of Professor Lawson’s class?”

Jane just scoffs but there is a flicker of hesitation in Leslie’s eyes, as if she’s worried that she did miss something in that class. I almost laugh. God, they’re so easy to fool.

I flash Leslie a small smirk.

Anger flits across her face when she realizes that I was just messing with her.
