Page 8 of Enduring Darkness

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“I’m afraid David lied,” I say.

She whips around so fast that she drops her cup. It hits the ground with a thud and tips over. Pink liquid spills across the stones, forming a small puddle.

“You,” she breathes as her wide gray eyes meet mine.

While taking a step back, her gaze quickly sweeps over our darkened surroundings as if looking for a way to escape. I have no intention of letting that happen, so I move forward. She instinctively backs up again as I advance on her.

“Where’s Carla?” she demands, her voice surprisingly strong.

“No idea. I only used her name as a way to lure you here. And it worked.” I cock my head. “Are you and Carla friends?”

She opens her mouth to reply, but then hesitation blows across her delicate features. I continue backing her towards the wall. Her gaze darts around the area again, and she licks her lips. But she doesn’t answer my question. As if she’s not sure which answer would endanger her more. Or maybe endanger Carla.

Smart. I didn’t expect her to be able to consider consequences in such a way while she’s in the middle of being threatened.

“Look, I have no issues with you,” she begins instead. “Your conflict is with my brothers and my cousins. I have nothing to do with it, so there is no reason for you to—”

“You’re a Petrov. That’s reason enough.”

“I’m—” Her words are cut off as her back suddenly connects with the wall.

She casts a panicked look over her shoulder, as if she hadn’t realized that I had been backing her into a corner. Literally.

I keep moving, advancing on her until she’s forced to press herself hard against the wall. While still twirling the knife in my hand, I rake my gaze over her body.

Fuck, she really is tiny.

She barely reaches my collarbones, and she’s so delicately built that I could snap her neck with one hand.

Her chest rises and falls with rapid breaths, each one making her tits brush against my stomach. She flicks another quick glance down at the blade in my hand, but she says nothing.

Impressive. I had expected her to start babbling like most people do when they’re frightened.

Raising the knife, I trail it gently along her jaw. She flinches at the first kiss of steel, but then remains perfectly still.

“Are you afraid, little doe?” I taunt.

“No,” she replies, her voice steady.

A vicious smile spreads across my lips.

Because she is afraid. There is no mistake about it. I can see it pulsing in her eyes. Can feel it vibrating in the air between us. And it’s absolutely intoxicating.

I draw in a deep breath, breathing it in like the sweetest perfume.

With that sadistic grin still on my mouth, I trace the point of the blade down along the slender column of her throat. “No?”

Her chest rises and falls even more rapidly. I can almost see her pulse fluttering under her skin.

My cock hardens. Fuck, she’s gorgeous when she’s afraid.

Leaning forward, I place my lips next to her ear and draw in another deep breath. She smells like waterlilies. I tilt my head so that I’m sure my breath will caress the shell of her ear when I speak.

“If you answer truthfully, I will let you go,” I whisper.

She sucks in a shuddering breath, and a shiver rolls down her spine.

“So I will ask again,” I continue. “Are you afraid, little doe?”
