Page 53 of Rocky

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“But how does he know where you live?”

“Babe, I do not know. Like, at the time he’d said he was walking past and saw me head into my building. I had just walked in, to be fair, but after he left I just…I don’t know. It felt odd. It all didn’t quite add up somehow, but I just can’t put my finger on why, you know?”

Yeah, I fucking knew. “Have you told the police?”

“Told them what? He didn’t do anything, what are they gonna say if I make a complaint about some guy walking past my building.”

I sighed, I know Rocky had his theories about the man who Chloe had been seeing, and I had to admit the fact she was hiding stuff under my bed was as shady as shit, but still… “I mentioned something about him to the cops, I guess he checked out. But even if he’s not linked to what happened to Chloe, that guy is starting to sound like a creeper.”

“And the weirdest part was that he had this dumb smile on his face, right? Luckily—uh, someone arrived just at that time, and creepy ghost man just ended up leaving. I haven’t slept alone here, since.”

“Someone, huh?” I said, wanting to try and lighten the situation, because dread was beginning to pool in my stomach.

“Yeah, yeah,” Lisa grumbled. “Someone, okay?”

I bit my lip. “There are too many weird coincidences with this dude.”

“I know, he gives me the fucking heebie-jeebies.”

“What day did he come by?”

“Uh, I think it was the day you moved into the clubhouse? He was all twitchy about it too, as if he suddenly didn’t know where you were and was panicking. But he hasn’t known your location this whole time, right, so it was super odd. Oh, speaking of which, please stay put at the clubhouse, okay? Be careful, don’t just leave on your own.”

“I never said I was leaving.” But, yeah, I was kinda sorta thinking about it. And I wasn’t at the clubhouse anymore.

“You didn’t have to say it. I know you better than anyone in the world. It’s starting to get too much for you and you’re thinking of running away.”

“Well, fuck.”

“That’s right, babe. But, don’t. Don’t go anywhere or else I will find you, and I’ll use your secrets to do it.”

“Fine,” I sighed. “For now, I’m not going anywhere. Happy?”


“I’m not at the clubhouse anymore, by the way,” I confessed, just in case there was an emergency and she needed to find me. “I’m back at Rocky’s, there was an incident at the clubhouse, and he thought I’d be safer here.”

“Incident?” Lisa asked, her voice heavy with concern.

“Nothing to do with whatever’s going on with me. It was club related.”

“Okay,” Lisa said. “If you think that’s best. As long as you’re not staying all on your own.”

“I’m not.”

“Good. Love you. Talk later.” The call ended and I fell back on the bed, chewing on my lip anxiously.

This fucking Zachary guy. My gut was telling me there was something more going on with him, he kept popping up, and I couldn’t shake the unease the thought of him brought up in me.

I picked up my phone and called Rocky, and not just because I wanted to hear his voice. Not just because I missed him. I needed him to know about Zachary’s visit to Lisa’s apartment. But while I sat around thinking about him, longing for him and pining after him, Rocky was off living his best biker life and not thinking about me at all. He didn’t answer and I didn’t leave a message. It felt too pathetic, so I ended the call and sent him a text message with the information.

He was avoiding me, that much was obvious, and if nothing else I was a girl who knew how to take a hint.

Chapter 27


“Rocky, Hawk, Maverick, you’re coming with me.” Diesel stood in the middle of the clubhouse looking like he was ready for battle.
