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Before I can protest, she leads me away from Vincent, behind the counter, and to the back room. Luke is on a ladder organizing a high shelf when he sees me, his face splitting into a grin.

“Hey, boss!” he hops off the ladder and pulls me into a hug.

I snort. “Don’t call me boss,” I chuckle. “It makes me feel old.”

“Okay, ma’am,” he smirks.

I fight the urge to roll my eyes. Luke is the same age as Devyn, and they never fail to remind me of our age difference.

But I also appreciate the humor, instead of the concerned looks that Luke could have given me.

It’s almost as if things are back to normal.

After Devyn gives me a quick tour of the backroom, I spot a box full of light green macarons sitting on the desk next to the computer.

“Hey, what’s this?” I ask. “I didn’t see these out there.”

“Oh,” Devyn’s voice turns sheepish. “I wanted to try making a new flavor. One we’ve never sold before.”

“What flavor?” I pick one up, turning it over with my fingers.

“Peppermint chocolate,” she says, and I cock an eyebrow. “Luke and Jamie liked it, but I don’t know if we should sell them. I mean, this would be the first recipe that I’ve made instead of the ones you and April showed me.”

Insecurity flashes on Devyn’s face as I take a bite.

My eyes widen.

The peppermint is light and buttery, and the chocolate buttercream adds a dark, almost bitter balance to the sweeter flavor.

“Devyn,” I say. “These are delicious.”

“Really?” she says, her eye growing wide as saucers. “Honestly?”

“Yes. Holy shit. Wow.” I take another bite and look at Devyn in disbelief as I chew. “You nailed the balance of flavors perfectly.”

“Do you think we could sell them?” she asks hesitantly, fiddling with her apron. “I mean, if you think they’re good enough.”

“Add them to the rotation,” I tell her, and the grin she gives me in response makes my heart swell.

I’m so grateful for Devyn.

She stepped up when the café needed a leader. She offered me her friendship when I was miserable and feeling sorry for myself after Jason.

She hasn’t given up on April. And when I went missing, she didn’t give up on me.

“Thank you, Skye,” she says, her smile wide.

“Of course. If you think of any more flavors, let me know.”

It’s the least I can do for her after everything she’s done for me.

Experimenting with flavors is one of my favorite things to do, so I’m ecstatic that Devyn enjoys it, too.

As I say goodbye to Luke and Devyn pours Vincent and me a coffee, I’m struck with a new idea for a flavor.

It’s a ridiculous thought, and I would never sell it at the café.

But I file it away for whenever I feel like doing some stress baking.
